Flight F – Cai Doubles Through Woo

Flight F Level 7 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 90

Daniel Cai’s stack gets in the middle preflop, Jared Woo placing Cai at risk for his 13,000 stack.

  • Ace of spades 3 of spades for Cai
  • King of hearts Jack of hearts for Woo

The dealer-fanned flop 2 of spades 4 of diamonds 8 of clubs  gives Cai a whee; draw and a backdoor flush draw as well.

Woo hits the Jack of spades turn for top pair, but Cai’s flush draw is live.

Turn 5 of spades completes the flush, Cai to 27,000 and Woo to 34,000