Flight F – Ask and You Shall Receive

Flight F Level 4 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200-400 . Entries 58/71

Tiep Bui has 2,000 in front of him in the lojack and is facing a three-bet jam from Lonny Weitzel in the cutoff for 27,500. Bui covers by 8,000 and is left with a decision for most of his stack. He decides to call, and he doesn’t look happy about it.

He’s even less happy after seeing his 10 of hearts10 of spades is up against Weitzel’s Queen of spadesQueen of diamonds. That is, until a ten appears in the window. The runout finishes with a board displaying 10 of diamonds6 of hearts2 of diamonds9 of spadesJack of hearts, and his set of tens wins the pot and sends Weitzel to the rail.

“I asked for it,” says Bui after the runout. Ask and you shall receive.

Tiep Bui – 63,500
Lonny Weitzel – Eliminated