Flight F – A Blue Friday

Flight F Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1.5k.3k . Entries 19/102

Dean Baranowski raises to 7,000 under the gun and Blue Rannefeld three-bet shoves from the cutoff. David Coker asks for a count from the small blind, which is totaled to 49,000, and he announces a call. The big blind and Baranowski get out of the way and cards are turned on their backs.

Rannefeld: Ace of diamonds3 of diamonds
Coker: Jack of clubsJack of diamonds

Rannefeld’s situation goes from bad to worse on the King of diamondsJack of hearts5 of hearts flop, but the Queen of hearts turn gives him four gutshot outs to Broadway.

“Stupid,” says Rannefeld during the runout, which completes with a meaningless 2 of spades, and he’s sent to the rail in 20th place.

David Coker – 240,000
Blue Rannefeld – Eliminated