Flight E – Huynh Wins vs. Nguyen

Flight E Level 12 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500.2,500 . Entries 55/174

There’s a pile of chips in the middle with three players holding cards and a board reading 7 of spades5 of clubs3 of diamondsJack of clubs. The small blind checks and Alex Nguyen bets 30,000 from the big blind. Truong Huynh raises to 125,000, enough to put both players all in, and the small blind quickly folds.

Nguyen counts out his stack of 80,000 behind and thinks for a bit, audibly wondering what Huynh can have before making the call and tabling the 6 of hearts6 of spades. He’s shown the bad news, with Huynh showing King of spadesJack of spades.

“Ugh,” says Nguyen. “Nice hand.”

The river is the King of clubs and Huynh beats Nguyen, letting out a verbal celebration after taking down the massive pot.

Truong Huynh – 425,000
Alex Nguyen – Eliminated