Flight E Ends With A One, A Two, A One-Two-Three-Four

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k-12k . Entries 14/174

The last hand of Flight E sees Keith Carter get around 250K into the middle preflop from the small blind against Truong Huynh in the hijack.

Carter has Ace of clubsQueen of clubs
Huynh has Ace of diamondsAce of hearts

The board runs out Queen of spades7 of clubs5 of diamonds8 of clubs2 of hearts and Huynh’s aces remain best, eliminating Carter in 15th place. With his elimination, the final 14 players now advance to Day 2 with Huynh’s 1.234 million the likely top stack from the flight.

We’ll post complete end-of-flight shortly along with taking you into the wee hours of the morning as Flight F plays to its conclusion.