Flight D – Victoria Vandigriff Shows A Seven-Card Straight

Level 3 . Ante 300 . Blinds 200-300 . Entries 47/55

Three players go to a flop of Queen of diamonds9 of spades8 of hearts and Thomas Curci checks from the big blind. Victoria Vandigriff checks under the gun and Chen Yang bets 1,500 in the cutoff. Both players call.

The turn brings the 10 of diamonds and Curci checks again. Vandigriff bets 3,500 and receives two calls, taking all three players to the board-completing 7 of clubs. Curci checks again and Vandigriff fires 5,600 into the middle. Yang quickly folds and Curci remarks to Vandigriff with a chuckle as he follows suit.

After winning, Vandigriff shows that she turned the nuts with King of clubsJack of hearts and the pot is shipped her way.

Victoria Vandigriff – 63,000