Flight D – Sonny Sundara Bites the Dust

Level 12 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500-2,500 . Entries 28/105

Ravee “Sonny” Sundara puts his last 18,000 into the middle under the gun and Daniel Baik calls in the lojack. All remaining players fold.

“Is my queen live?” asks Sundara as he shows Queen of clubs5 of clubs.

‘Uh, yeah” responds Baik, tabling King of spadesJack of diamonds.

The board runs out Jack of spades8 of spades6 of hearts5 of spades2 of clubs and the dealer pushes Baik the pot. The table wishes Sundara a good game as he pauses, realizing the runout was not what he thought.

“I thought I had a flush!” says Sundara with a laugh before making his way from the table.

“There’s a $5-$10 PLO game at Las Colinas,” says Baik. “I’ll join you in shortly.”

“GG Sonny,” adds tablemate Jessica Richards. “Go get ’em, plair.”

Daniel Baik – 147,000
Sonny Sundara – Eliminated