Flight D – Dani Dayan Doubles

Level 9 . Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600-1,200 . Entries 13

Facing three limps, Dani Dayan jams all in for 25,000 from the big blind. The first limper calls from the lojack and both other players get out of the way.

Dayan: King of clubsQueen of hearts
Hijack: Ace of clubs9 of diamonds

Dayan connects on the flop of a King of spades10 of clubs2 of diamondsJack of spades4 of hearts runout and earns the easy double with her top pair.

“You called me with ace-nine. That’s like a f-you-I-don’t-respect-you call,” says as she collects her chips.

Dani Dayan – 53,600