Flight C – Play Marches On

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 18/130

Action is heads up on a completed board of King of hearts9 of hearts7 of diamondsAce of diamonds2 of hearts , and Mo Arani checks from the big blind to put action onto the UTG+2 Trung Pham. Pham slides out a bet of 110,000 and Arani thinks for a bit before check-jamming.

Pham requests a count, and it’s totaled to 339,000. He goes into the tank and eventually puts out chips to call.

Arani tables Queen of heartsJack of hearts for a flush, and it’s good against Pham’s Ace of hearts10 of clubs.  He earns the double and vaults to the top of the counts in the process.

Mo Arani – 870,000
Trung Pham – 339,000