Flight C – Jose Montes Extends the Bubble

Level 17 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000-8,000 . Entries 18/130

An early-position player limps and Jose Montes jams for 76,000 in the cutoff. Brian Green calls in the small blind and the original limper folds.

Montes: Ace of diamondsJack of clubs
Green: 5 of spades5 of hearts

Montes needs to improve to win the coin flip and fade becoming the Flight C Bubble Boy. The 6 of spades6 of hearts4 of diamonds flop keeps him behind, but the Jack of spades lands on the turn. The river comes the 3 of spades and Montes wins the pot with jacks up, scoring the double on the final hand of the level.