Flight C – Jeffrey Frye Scores a Double

Level 15 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500-5,000 . Entries 21/130

Trevor Argue raises to 13,000 in the hijack and Jeffrey Frye three-bets to 35,000 on the button. The blinds fold and Argue calls, bringing a flop of King of diamonds9 of hearts2 of spades.

Argue checks to Frye, who continuation-bets 20,000, and Argue slides out a stack of chips to put Frye all in for 129,000 effective. Frye snap-calls.

Frye: Ace of clubsKing of spades
Argue: Ace of spades9 of spades

The 10 of clubs turn and 2 of hearts river complete the runout with Frye’s top pair, top kicker remaining best to score the dub.

Trevor Argue – 355,000
Jeffrey Frye – 341,000