Flight C – Eric Graziano Holds With Nines

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k-12k . Entries 16/130

Brendan Eline open-jams for 175,000 UTG+1 and Eric Graziano calls all in for 120,000 in the cutoff.

Eline shows 8 of hearts8 of clubs and sees Graziano pip him with 9 of hearts9 of diamonds.

The uneventful Jack of diamonds10 of clubs2 of spades4 of diamonds6 of diamonds runout leaves Graziano on top for the easy double, taking him up to 170,000 while Eline is left on fumes with 50k.

Flight C now has 16 players remaining as play has taken us into Level 20 with increased blinds of 10k-15k and a 15k ante. We’ll be back shortly with final flight results, including in-the-money finishers and Day 2 baggers.