Flight C – Christopher Akin Holds vs. Cord Garcia

Level 13 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500-3,000 . Entries 27/130

Cord Garcia raises under the gun and action folds to Christopher Akin three-bets to 20,000 on the button. The big blind calls and Garcia slides out a four-bet of 159,000. Akin thinks for a bit and announces he’s all in, prompting a quick fold from the big blind before Garcia calls off the rest.

Akin shows Queen of spadesQueen of hearts and is flipping against Garcia’s Ace of diamondsKing of hearts for his stack of 204,000.

The 8 of diamonds3 of spades2 of clubs6 of clubs3 of clubs runout comes clean and Akin earns the double, leaving Garcia with about 70,000 for a quick second. Moments later, someone else is in Garcia’s seat as the field reaches 27 with three full tables in play.

Christopher Akin – 431,000
Cord Garcia – Eliminated