Final Table Time in Mystery Payday

Level 22 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 9.514

From a five-flight starting field of 514 entries, the $200,000 Guarantee $600 Mystery Payday at Texas Card House Houston is down to one single, final table of nine.

Players are on a 30-minute break, returning to have all final table action livestreamed on the TCH Live YouTube feed. We’ll disable the live updates from this point until the end of the event, so you can watch the stream uninterrupted.

Here’s the players in seat-position order with chip counts included.

  1. Brandon Morrow – 1,950,000
  2. Sean Cha – 1,990,000
  3. Connor Fulkerson – 725,000
  4. Jonathan Russell – 1,410,000
  5. David Shaw – 3,470,000
  6. Drake Roetker – 1,245,000
  7. Nic Vu – 1,440,000
  8. Thomas Stinson – 1,885,000
  9. Dara Taherpour – 1,310,000