Eduardo Cuaderes Triples Up

Level 8 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500-1,000 . Entries 80/118

Three players get stacks in on a flop of  King of heartsJack of clubs10 of clubs after Justin Allen calls all-in bets from Eduardo Cuaderes and Rees Scruggs.

Cuaderes shows Jack of hearts10 of hearts as the shortest stack, 29,800. His two pair is behind Scruggs’ top two pair with King of clubsJack of spades, and Allen’s Ace of heartsKing of spades needs an ace or queen for the double knockout.

“I was worried about that,” Cuaderes tells Scruggs. The 3 of hearts turn changes nothing, and Scruggs calls for a five. Unfortunately for him, the 10 of diamonds lands on the river and improves Cuaderes to a full house, tens full of jacks.

“Ten!” remarks Cuaderes while hitting the felt with a fist. “Got it!”

Scruggs takes the side pot, while Allen is left with crumbs that are dusted off moments later. Meanwhile, Event #20 runner-up Cord Garcia takes a seat at the table and will look to find a one-bullet bag as the day continues.

Eduardo Cuaderes – 102,000
Cord Garcia – 30,000
Rees Scruggs – 14,200
Justin Allen – eliminated