Flight F – Die Hard Bursts the Bubble!

Level 16. Ante 6k . Blinds 3k.6k . Entries 13/103

Orez Mokedi open-jams for 60,000 under the gun and sees action fold to Carl Lee in the big blind, who calls.

Mokedi has ace-king and sees Lee turn over two aces. He fails to improve and gets knocked out, ending hand-for-hand play in just six hands.

Tablemate Chris Akin, who a participant in yesterday’s 62-hand “Bubble That Never Ends,” says that he was prepared for another marathon.

“We’re watching Die Hard,” says Akin. “Seriously! I’m streaming it! (pointing to the tv). Come take a seat over here if you want to watch!”

Carl Lee – 260,000
Orez Mokedi – Eliminated