Darryl Sample Triples Up

Level 5 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 312

Kelly Wyatt raises to 1,000 in the hijack and Darryl Sample three-bet jams for 4,900. Ricardo Arechiga cold-calls in the big blind and Wyatt calls as well.

Arechiga and Wyatt check through the Queen of clubs7 of spades6 of diamonds4 of clubs5 of hearts runout and everybody tables their hands.

Sample: 9 of clubs9 of spades (pair of nines)
Arechiga: King of clubsJack of clubs (king high, jack kicker; missed backdoor flush draw)
Wyatt: King of diamonds10 of diamonds (king high, ten kicker)

Sample’s nines hold versus both players’ overcards and he scores the triple.

Kelly Wyatt – 128,500
Ricardo Arechiga 31,000
Darryl Sample – 15,500