Flight D – Dani Dayan Wins Multi-Way All In

Level 16 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000-6,000 . Entries 13/105

Dani Dayan limps in from the lojack and Rebecca Merkin shoves all in for 39,000 on the button. Stuart Wilkinson calls in the big blind and Dayan calls as well, creating an empty side pot for all future action.

The flop lands Jack of hearts9 of clubs5 of clubs and Wilkinson checks to Dayan, who bets 120,000.

“How much do you have behind?” asks Wilkinson. Dayan reveals 116,000 behind and Wilkinson thinks for a few moments before raising to put Dayan all in. She wastes no time calling.

Merkin: 10 of spades10 of clubs
Dayan: Jack of diamonds9 of diamonds
Wilkinson: King of spadesQueen of diamonds

Dayan’s top two pair is way ahead, leaving only a ten or running cards to spoil her knockout and scoop. Her hand remains best through the 6 of clubsKing of diamonds runout.

Dani Dayan – 585,000
Stuart Wilkinson – 300,000
Rebecca Merkin – Eliminated in 14th place ($1,400)