Cuaderes Takes from Garcia

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 14.1879

Eduardo Cuaderes opens to 250k in the cutoff and Cord Garcia three-bets to 800,000 on the button.

Cuaderes check-calls barrels of 400k and 600k en route to a completed board of 10 of spades10 of hearts5 of hearts10 of diamonds3 of clubs, where both players check and take the hand to showdown.

Cuaderes tables 5 of diamonds5 of spades for a flopped full house, ultimately counterfeited on the turn. He remarks about the runout as Garcia mucks.

“Listen buddy,” says Garcia. “When you flop a full house, you don’t get to dictate how the board runs out. You just gotta be happy you got it.”

Eduardo Cuaderes – 10,750,000
Cord Garcia – 2,750,000