
#20 – PLO High Roller 8-Max

Las Colinas

Wed, Aug 30

Buy-in: $2,500

Guarantee: $100,000

1 Day
Wed, Aug 30 2:00pm

Alvarado Wins Flip FTW

Ricardo Alvarado – Winner – 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas PLO High Roller

At 50bb deep each, and sitting with what appears to be almost-even chipstacks, Ricardo Alvarado and Cord Garcia mix it up with 350,000 going in preflop.

The dealer fans 9 of spades 3 of spades 5 of hearts Garcia opens for 375,000, and Alvarado ponders his options before announcing all-in and Garcia calls. The stacks slide out and let me tell y’all, they look REALLY close to even.

  • Alvarado shows Ace of spades 10 of spades 10 of diamonds 4 of hearts for an overpair, a flush draw and a gutter to a wheel
  • Garcia shows Ace of clubs Jack of clubs 9 of diamonds 8 of spades for top pair

The drama ends quickly with the Queen of spades turn, now to count down the stacks.

  • Alvarado counts down at 1,285,000
  • Garcia counts down at 1,280,000
  • Garcia is eliminated by one single 5k chip.

Garcia cashes for $24,500 as runner-up.

Alvarado is winner of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas $100,000 Guaranteed $2,500 High Roller, taking home $36,700.

HU4Rollz in PLO High Roller

Level 19 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 2.49

From a starting field of 49 entries, our two-day $100,000 Guaranteed $2,500 PLO High Roller is down to two players – Ricardo Alvarado and Cord Garcia – playing for the uber-cool Atlas trophy and the top prize of $36,700.

Alvarado begins play with a 1,575,000 to 1,365,000 chip lead over Garcia. Today’s runner-up receives $24,500.

OK, dealer, cards in the air.

Le Eliminated by Garcia

Level 19 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 2.49

Dien Le slips critically low on chips, to the point he’s able to get his last 140,000 in preflop and Cord Garcia calls to race for a stack or a 3rd-place payout.

  • Le fans Ace of diamonds Ace of hearts 4 of spades 3 of clubs
  • Garcia shows King of clubs Queen of diamonds 7 of hearts 4 of diamonds

The 9 of spades 6 of hearts Queen of clubs flop misses Le and gives Garcia a few outs

The 10 of clubs turn increases the outs and the Jack of clubs river completes a straight for Gacria to eliminate Le in third place, a cash of $16,500




Garcia Eliminates Yao

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 3.49

Jiayi Yao and Cord Garcia build a 250,000 pot by the time the duo finish their bets on the dealer-fan-flop of 4 of diamonds 2 of hearts 10 of hearts

Yao gets his final 240,000 in on the King of clubs turn and Garcia indicates he believes he has many, many outs, so he calls.

  • Yao shows King of hearts 9 of clubs 5 of hearts 4 of clubs
  • Garcia has Queen of hearts Jack of clubs 9 of hearts 3 of clubs and he asks for a pair on the river

River Queen of diamonds, as Garcia requested, giving him a King-high straight for the elimination.

Yao cashes for $12,000 and the final three players are pretty close in stacks.

  • Cord Garcia – 960,000


Brown Eliminated by Le

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10.15k . Entries 4-49

Stephen Brown limps, Dien Le makes it 60,000, Jiayi Yao calls and Brown completes the raise, 3-handed to the flop.

The dealer fans 7 of hearts 2 of hearts 5 of spades and Le immediately splashes 150,000. Yao quickly folds, Brown announces 270,000 – indicating he is all-in – and Le snap-calls.

  • Brown shows Ace of spades 9 of hearts 8 of spades 6 of hearts for a world of draws
  • Le shows Ace of hearts Ace of diamonds 5 of hearts 3 of diamonds and Brown’s draws are substantially reduced

The runout goes 2 of clubs Queen of diamonds and Brown is the first Day 2 elimination, cashing for $8,500.

  • Dien Le – 1,260,000
  • Ricardo Alvarado – 980,000
  • Cord Garcia – 550,000
  • Jiayi Yao – 365,000



5-Handed for PLO High Roller Title

Level 17 . Ante 15k. Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 5.49

Cards are in the air for the final day in the $100,000 Guaranteed $2,500 PLO High Roller, action shifting over to TCH Dallas to play down to a winner.

Here’s a look at the players in seat-position order with chipcounts included.

Seat 2: Ricardo Alvarado – 855,000
Seat 3: Cord Garcia – 640,000
Seat 6: Stephen Brown – 300,000
Seat 8: Dien Le – 805,000
Seat 9: Jiayi Yao – 780,000

Here is the remaining prize pool up for grabs:

1: $36,700
2: $24,500
3: $16,500
4: $12,000
5: $8,500

Final Table Chip Counts

Level 16 . Ante 12,000 . Blinds 6,000.12,000 . Remaining Players 5 of 49

Here is a look at the chip counts for the for the final day in the PLO High Roller event. The players were instructed to return to TCH Dallas at 1 pm tomorrow so play can resume at the TCH LiVE stream final table, and the start of that steam will be confirmed tomorrow at the beginning of play.

Seat 2: Ricardo Alvarado – 855,000
Seat 3: Cord Garcia – 640,000
Seat 6: Stephen Brown – 300,000
Seat 8: Dien Le – 805,000
Seat 9: Jiayi Yao – 780,000

Here is the remaining prize pool up for grabs:

1: $36,700
2: $24,500
3: $16,500
4: $12,000
5: $8,500

David Sorellis Out in Sixth Place ($6,400)

Level 16 . Ante 12,000 . Blinds 6,000.12,000 . Remaining Players 5 of 49

David Sorellis was eliminated in sixth place at the final table of the PLO High Roller event, good for $6,400 in prize money. The field is currently scheduled to play out the final 15 minutes of Level 16 before the end of play, but anything is possible at this point depending on if another player or two busts in that remaining time and the players vote to keep playing.

And We Have Movement

Level 15 . Ante 12,000 . Blinds 6,000.12,000 . Remaining Players 6 of 49

The action in the PLO High Roller has started moving again after a few hours time delay. Jerry Yang has hit the rail in eighth place, good for $3,000, and Ray Henson (pictured) is out in seventh place for a cash of $5,100. The remaining field is now scheduled to stop when five players remain, but considering how things have been going it’s anyone’s guess when that will happen.

Well … Here We Are … The Payout Structure Has Been Changed

Level 15 . Ante 10,000 . Blinds 5,000.10,000 . Remaining Players 8 of 49

A certain short-stacked player has stalled out so hard on the money bubble in the PLO High Roller for hours that changing the payout structure has become a necessity. Here are the new payouts for the now final eight players that will make the money. The plan is to play two more hours unless the final five are mercifully reached.

1: $36,700
2: $24,500
3: $16,500
4: $12,000
5: $8,500
6: $6,400
7: $5,100
8: $3,000

Play Hits a Wall on the Money Bubble

Level 14 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . Remaining Players 8 of 49

The field is on the money bubble in the PLO High Roller, and we have absolutely hit a wall. There is one short stack that is he who shall not be named more than perfectly content to just blind out of the tournament in the hope of a min-cash. The other players are obviously aware of this so action is almost at a standstill. You shall not pass until this mischief is managed.

Chip Count Update

Level 13 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . Remaining Players 8 of 49

Here is a look at the chip counts from the final table in the PLO High Roller event at the most recent break.

Seat 1: Ray Henson – 417,000
Seat 2: Ricardo Alvarado – 137,000
Seat 3: Cord Garcia – 271,000
Seat 4: David Sorrelis – 393,000
Seat 6: Stephen Brown – 41,000
Seat 7: Jerry Yang – 178,000
Seat 8: Dien Le – 923,000
Seat 9: Jiayi Yao – 580,000

In honor of the series of movies that have been playing in the game room over at the #FunTour2Point0 compound all week, today’s memes will be brought to your by Marvel and The Avengers. Get ready to assemble up and deal for live updates throughout the day from the PLO High Roller.

Jiayi Yao Doubles Through Cord Garcia

Level 12 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500.5,000 . Remaining Players 9 of 49

Jiayi Yao was all in with Ace of heartsAce of diamondsKing of clubs10 of diamonds in the hole from the cutoff, and Cord Garcia had him covered holding Ace of clubsQueen of clubsQueen of spadesJack of hearts on the big blind.

The final board read Ace of spadesQueen of hearts7 of clubs4 of clubs6 of diamonds, and Yao doubled up to survive with 665,000 after collecting the pot. Garcia was down to 130,000 after the hand.

Jiayi Yao – 665,000 (133 bb)
Cord Garcia – 130,000 (26 bb)

Final Table Seating Chart

Level 11 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . Remaining Players 9 of 49

Here is a look at the seating chart for the final table of the PLO High Roller event. The current plan is to play down to the final five players before play ends tonight.

Seat 1: Ray Henson (pictured above)
Seat 2: Ricardo Alvarado
Seat 3: Cord Garcia
Seat 4: David Sorrelis
Seat 5: Lawrence Chang
Seat 6: Stephen Brown
Seat 7: Jerry Yang
Seat 8: Dien Le
Seat 9: Jiayi Yao

Chip Count Update

Level 10 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500.3,000 . Remaining Players 15 of 49

The chip leader at the close of registration is Ray Henson with 392,500. Other top stacks include Dien Le (381,500), Cord Garcia (273,000), Lawrence Chang (180,000), and Hirsto Bogdanov (164,500). Ravee Sundara just jumped back into the mix as well with a starting stack of 60,000.

Registration has now closed with 49 entries, and that puts the field above the $100,000 guaranteed prize pool. The payout structure will be available a short time from now when it’s posted by the tournament staff.

In honor of the series of movies that have been playing in the game room over at the #FunTour2Point0 compound all week, today’s memes will be brought to your by Marvel and The Avengers. Get ready to assemble up and deal for live updates throughout the day from the PLO High Roller.

Cord Garcia Made the Trip From Houston

Level 8 . Ante 2,500 . Blinds 1,500.2,500 . Entries 45

Cord Garcia has jumped into the PLO High Roller event at the PokerAtlas Dallas stop, making the trip up from his native Houston. Garcia holds more than $3.2 million in career tournament earnings. His list of poker accolades include a dozen tournament victories, with his top cash worth $638,880 for winning the World Series of Poker Colossus event in 2015. His gold bracelet sits in a trophy case next to three WSOP Circuit gold rings won over the years in three different states. Garcia has wasted no time building a big stack in today’s event, so we will see if he can add some more cash to his already impressive overall earnings here at TCH Las Colinas and the final table at TCH Dallas.


Mauricio Solano Eliminated in Three-Way All-In

Level 8 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . Entries 42

Mauricio Solano was all in preflop from the cutoff, and both Michael Carter (UTG) and Stuart Wilkinson (big blind) had him covered. Here is a look at their smorgasbord of cards.

Wilkinson: 9 of spades8 of spades7 of hearts5 of hearts
Carter: King of clubsQueen of heartsJack of clubs8 of diamonds
Solano: Ace of spadesKing of diamonds10 of clubs3 of spades

Board: Jack of diamonds9 of diamonds5 of clubs8 of diamonds5 of spades

Solano was eliminated on the hand, and Wilkinson won the pot to stack up 112,500. Carter was at 40,000 after the hand.

Stuart Wilkinson – 112,500 (56 bb)
Michael Carter – 40,000 (20 bb)
Mauricio Solano – Eliminated

Comings and Goings

Level 8 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . Entries 38

Notable players that have recently exited the tournament in the PLO High Roller include Kris Burchfield and Jason Fitzpatrick. The hand that took out Fitzpatrick saw him instantly muck his hand  on the hijack when his opponent Arthur Morris held Jack of hearts6 of diamonds5 of diamonds4 of hearts from the big blind on a board reading Queen of hearts8 of clubs5 of hearts4 of diamonds2 of hearts. Morris stacked up 103,000 after collecting the pot.

Arthur Morris – 103,000 (51 bb)

Chip Count Update

Level 7 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . Entries 34

The chip leader at the second break in play is Lawrence Chang with 180,000. Other top stacks include Hirsto Bogdanov (164,500), David Sorrelis (152,500), Adam Grovenstein (138,500), and Michael Carter (136,000). Other notable stacks are held by Ray Henson (77,500), Jason Fitzpatrick (61,500), Mauricio Solano (72,500), Kris Burchfield (10,000), and Stuart Wilkinson (23,000). You can see the chip counts for every player in the field at the chip count tab above.

Registration will remain open until the start of Level 10 tonight around 8:30 pm with the field well on its way to the $100,000 guaranteed prize pool.

In honor of the series of movies that have been playing in the game room over at the #FunTour2Point0 compound all week, today’s memes will be brought to your by Marvel and The Avengers. Get ready to assemble up and deal for live updates throughout the day from the PLO High Roller.

Kris Burchfield is Out Here in These PLO High Roller Streets

Level 6 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 32

Kris Burchfield is one of the more recent notable additions to the field in the PLO High Roller event. He holds more than $450,000 in career tournament earnings, and the Texas resident hails from Houston. His largest cash was good for $44,091, and he made a deep run in the 2022 World Series of Poker $10,000 buy-in pot-limit Omaha championship to add another $41,985 to his earnings. Burchfield also has a pair of tournament wins on his poker resume.

Ray Henson Jumps into the PLO High Roller

Level 6 . Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600.1,200 . Entries 32

Ray Henson arrived at the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas tournament series a few days ago from Houston, and he is currently in the PLO High Roller event. Henson has been a poker professional for many years now, and his total earnings are over $3.2 million. Henson has multiple six-figure scores to his credit, as well as five World Series of Poker Circuit gold rings on his poker resume.

He also has a dozen tournament victories booked in the course of his poker career.

We will keep a close eye on his progress in the PLO High Roller along with the other events he is planning to play during his time here in the Dallas area.

Bradley Coultas Eliminated in Three-Way All-In

Level 5 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500.1,000 . Entries 29

The board read King of hearts10 of diamonds2 of heartsQueen of spades when three players got involved with all of their chips on the line. Here is a look at their cards.

David Sorrelis (hijack): Ace of diamondsKing of clubsJack of clubs10 of spades
Richard Alvarado (late position): Ace of clubsKing of diamondsJack of diamonds10 of clubs
Bradley Coultas (button): Queen of diamondsQueen of hearts6 of clubs4 of hearts

River: 6 of spades

Coultas was eliminated on the hand, while Sorrelis and Alvarado chopped up the pot thanks to simultaneous Broadway straights. Sorrelis was at 116,000 after the hand, and Alvarado held 74,500.

David Sorrelis: 116,000 (116 bb)
Richard Alvarado: 74,500 (74 bb)
Bradley Coultas: Eliminated

Bradley Coultas is Back in Another High Roller Field in the PLO

Level 2 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 27

Bradley Coultas is another familiar face in today’s PLO High Roller field. Coultas was the runner-up in the Mystery Payday event that concluded just three days ago, and he took home $38,300 for second place. He also cored a nice consolation prize by pulling the $50,000 envelope from the bounty pool along the way to the final table (you can find the updates from the final day of that event right here). In addition to that five-figure pull, Coultas holds career tournament earnings of close to $170,000. Coultas also has a tournament victory on his poker resume, which gave him a World Series of Poker Circuit gold at St. Louis stop in 2015.

Chip Count Update

Level 4 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 25

The chip leader at the first break in play is Lawrence Chang with 153,200. Other top stacks include Adam Grovenstein (98,000), Michael Carter (91,600), Mauricio Solano (84,500), and rounding out the top five is Stephen Brown (82,200). Other notable stacks are held by Stuart Wilkinson (79,700), Bradley Coultas (44,000), Jared Ingles (35,200), Ravee Sundara (35,100), and Jason Fitzpatrick (29,700). You can see the chip counts for every player in the field at the chip count tab above.

Registration will remain open until the start of Level 10 tonight around 8:30 pm with the field currently over halfway to the $100,000 guaranteed prize pool.

In honor of the series of movies that have been playing in the game room over at the #FunTour2Point0 compound all week, today’s memes will be brought to your by Marvel and The Avengers. Get ready to assemble up and deal for live updates throughout the day from the PLO High Roller.

Ravee Sundara Hops into the PLO High Roller

Level 3 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 23

Ravee Sundara has joined the field in the PLO High Roller event at the PokerAtlas Tour stop at TCH Las Colinas. He was one of the players who inspired the Master Blaster trophy at the Dallas stop after he fired a whole clip of rounds at the Houston stop in his hometown. He holds more than $140,000 in career tournament earnings, with a trio of five-figure cashes to his credit. Sundara has also claimed two tournament victories during his run of poker results.

Jared Ingles in the Mix Again for Another High Roller

Level 3 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 19

Jared Ingles is a recent addition to the PLO High Roller field at TCH Las Colinas (he played the NLHE High yesterday as well), and he has been on quite the heater during 2023. He has 25 cashes recorded over eight months, and Ingles could add a few more here at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas. His career earnings are above $1.9 million, and he has a pair of tournament victories to his credit on both the World Series of Poker Circuit and the once and future North American Poker Tour.

Field Update

Level 2 . Ante 500 . Blinds 300.500 . Entries 17

There are currently 15 players in the field for the $2,500 buy-in PLO High Roller 8-Max event, and registration is open until the start of Level 10 at 8:30 pm. Notables in the field so far include Jared Ingles, Mauricio Solana, Stuart Wilkinson, and Jason Fitzpatrick, who all played in yesterday’s $2,500 no-limit hold’em High Roller event.

Bag Up and Chill: Travel Guide to the Dallas/Fort Worth Area

Poker Live Updates Founder Dan Ross with Chef Tiffany Derry at Roots Southern Table

Bag up and have a day off in the Dallas/Fort Worth area during the tournament series? Well here are some suggestions for you to enjoy that day off in the surrounding areas of TCH Dallas and Las Colinas. Your first and closest option would be the downtown Dallas area. A good first stop would be the observation deck atop Reunion Tower to get an overview of the city before you explore (there is a restaurant and bar at the top as well).

The Sixth Floor Museum chronicles the infamous assassination of President John F. Kennedy from the room where it happened. It chronicles his presidency, the assassination on that fateful November day, and the myriad conspiracy theories surrounding the event. You can also wander the grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza after the museum visit. If you want some other museum options that touch on lighter material then the best stops would be the Dallas Museum of Art, the Nasher Sculpture Center, and Crow Collection.

If fine dining is your thing, then look no further than the restaurant at the Mansion on Turtle Creek, which is famous for its tortilla soup and lobster tacos.

The #FunTour2Point0 crew also highly recommends Roots Southern Table brought to you by chef Tiffany Derry. The duck fat fried chicken, crab fried rice, and the most interesting take on shrimp and grits we’ve ever seen were all fantastic, and the service was second to none as well, be sure to ask for Keanon to serve you. If you want some nightlife options in Dallas after dinner head towards the West End Historic District and Deep Ellum neighborhood.

If you have the time, a drive over to Fort Worth is well worth a day-trip if you want to take in the cowboy culture that made Texas famous. The sister city of Dallas used to be an epicenter of the cattle drives that have been featured in books and television shows like Lonesome Dove and 1883. The Fort Worth Stockyards National Historic District still has daily cattle drives that come down the middle of the street.

There are also many museum options in Fort Worth that chronicle the romanticism of the Wild West, including the Kimbell Art Museum, Amon Carter Museum, Cowboy Hall of Fame, and the Will Rogers Memorial Center. When the sun sets on the West in Fort Worth there are many saloons at the ready as well. Two of your first stops should be the historic White Elephant Saloon, and Billy Bob’s, which is rumored to be the largest nightclub in the world.

And if the timing aligns you can catch a Texas Rangers or Dallas Cowboys game over at their massive stadiums in Arlington. Daily tours of both modern coliseums are available as well when the teams are on the road. Enjoy your bag up and chill day off, and we will see you back at the PokerAtlas Tour stop in Dallas when you’re done relaxing maxing and ready for more poker.

Welcome to the PLO High Roller Event

Cards are in the air for the $2,500 buy-in pot-limit Omaha High Roller event over at TCH Las Colinas as part of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas stop. There is a $100,000 guaranteed prize pool for this event, and registration will remain open until 8:30 pm tonight. Players begin with 60,000 in chips with blinds kicking off at 200-400 with a big blind ante of 400 for the first 40-minute level of the day. There will be a 15-minute break every two hours, and the plan is that action won’t end until the final table is set later tonight.

In honor of the series of movies that have been playing in the game room over at the #FunTour2Point0 compound all week, today’s memes will be brought to your by Marvel and The Avengers. Get ready to assemble up and deal for live updates throughout the day from the PLO High Roller.

Chip counts will be published on the day of the event.

Ricardo Alvarado – Winner – 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas PLO High Roller


Dallas PLO High Roller FT

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