
#16 – PLO/NLH Mix


Mon, Aug 28

Buy-in: $400

Guarantee: $25,000

1 Day
Mon, Aug 28 11:00am

8 Up, 8 Down, Jancik WIns ROE

Level 21 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 1.96

Eyal Jancik does to Sonny Sundara what he did to each of the seven other players at the final table fo the Round-of-Each. he eliminates Sundara – that’s right, Jancik busted EVERY player at the final table FTW.

Jancik wins Event 16 in our 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $25,000 Guaranteed $400 PLO/NLH Mix, taking the top prize of $10,040. Sundara receives the $6,020 runner-up cash.

Please refer to the Results tab for the Official Order of Finish.


Huge Lead for Jancik

Level 21 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . 2.96


The final two ROE players are on a short break, and Eyal Jancik severely chipped down Sonny Sundara with Aces and deuces the final hand before break, rivering an Ace agains the Sevens and Deuces of Sundara.

  • Jancik is at 2,565,000
  • Sundara is at 315,000

Coming back to playing NLH, Sundara at 6 bb, Jancik at 43 bb.

It is Over, Um, Wait

Level 20 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 2.96


Following the elimination of Joe Napolitano in 3rd place ($3,800) by Eyal Jancik, Sonny Sundara jams the opening hand of heads-up play for 420,000 (10 bb) and Jancik calls

  • Threes for Jancik
  • Queen of hearts 2 of diamonds for Sundara

Two pair for Jancik on the 10 of hearts 10 of clubs 7 of hearts flop, he maintains his lead on the 8 of diamonds turn, and Jancik celebrates his apparent victory when there’s no River Queen.

Well, you see, what happened was

The river 7 of clubs corrupted Jancik’s pair and Sundara’s Queen-high played.

“I thought you made a full house,” Sundara laughed.

Play On

Napolitano Triples

Level 20 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 3.96

After finding himself on the wrong end of numerous Eyal Jancik postlfop bets, Joe Napolitano is down to 95,000, and able to get that in the middle preflop, with Jancik and Sonny Sundara calling.

Jancik and Sundara check down the 2 of hearts 9 of diamonds 10 of hearts Ace of hearts 8 of spades board

  • Napolitano is first to show, Queen of hearts Jack of diamonds 8 of diamonds 5 of hearts for a Queen-high flush
  • Sundara has King of diamonds 7 of hearts 7 of clubs Xx
  • Jancik flips over King of clubs Jack of spades 10 of spades 6 of clubs and Napolitano triples

Speck Falls in Front of the Jancik Train

Level 19 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 3.96


Raymond Speck’s stack goes all-in preflop and the runaway train known as Eyal Jancik snap-calls.

  • Ace of hearts 10 of hearts for Speck, and he needs help
  • Ace of spades King of clubs for Jancik

A world of draws or Speck fland on the dealer fan of Jack of hearts 9 of hearts 7 of spades.

The draws do not connect with the 4 of spades turn or Queen of clubs river, and Speck cashes for $2,460 in 4th place.

Jancik now has 2.1 million of the 2.88 milion in play. Sonny Sundara and Joe Napolitano just about evenly-split the remaining betting units.

Richard Plotsly (5, $1,900) fell in front of the Jancik-train a few hands before Speck.

Jancik Eliminates Thompson, Opens Big Lead

Level 19 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 5.96


The final 130,000 from Rebecca Thompson gets in the middle on the 9 of spades 9 of clubs 7 of diamonds flop, and overwhelming chipleader Eyal Jancik makes the call.

  • Jack of hearts Jack of diamonds 6 of diamonds 4 of hearts for Thompson
  • 9 of diamonds 6 of spades 5 of spades 5 of diamonds for Jancik, who outflops Thompson.

The dealer fans a runout that misses Thompson and she is eliminated in 6th place, cashing for $1,500.

Jancik is at 1,700,000, that’s 60 percent of all the chips in play 5-handed.

Kenneth Donoghue (7, $1,270) and Tung Truong (8, $1,110) were earlier final table eliminations.

Sundara Doubles and More Through Speck

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 8.96


Sonny Sundara limps in, Richard Plotsky and Kenneth Donoghue limp along, then Raymond Speck goes 90,000. Sundara comes along, Plotsky and Donoghue depart.

The dealer fans 8 of hearts King of diamonds 3 of diamonds, Sundara moves in for his last 105,000 and Speck calls

  • Sundara shows 10 of clubs 9 of clubs 8 of diamonds 4 of diamonds
  • Speck shows Ace of hearts Ace of clubs 10 of spades 5 of clubs

Speck in front until the Queen of diamonds turn, and Sundara chips up with the 7 of hearts river to 420,000. Speck is down to 325,000.

Ramin Soraya (9, $1,010) was eliminated in a NLH orbit.

Jancik Leads ROE FT

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 9.96

From a starting field of 96 entries, today’s $25,000 Guaranteed $400 ROE – repeating orbits of PLO and NLH – is down to one single, final table of nine participants.

Here’s the players in seat-position order with chipcount estimated included.

  1. Tung Truong – 270,000
  2. Joe Napolitano –  120,000
  3. Ramin Soraya – 50,000
  4. Rebecca Thompson – 550,000
  5. Sonny Sundara – 270,000
  6. Richard Plotsky – 150,000
  7. Kenneth Donoghue – 160,000
  8. Raymond Speck – 505,000
  9. Eyal Jancik – 710,000

Thompson Sets Final Table

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 9.96


Robert Smith ends up with his stack in the middle preflop, drawing three callers.

The dealer fans a 3 of spades 8 of diamonds 8 of hearts flop and Rebecca Thompson is able to get the last of her stack in the middle as well. Kenneth Donoghue calls and three exposed their four-card hands

  • Smith has Ace of clubs Ace of hearts 2 of spades 2 of diamonds
  • Thompson reveals Jack of clubs Jack of diamonds 8 of clubs 7 of diamonds
  • Donoghue shows King of hearts King of spades 9 of clubs 9 of diamonds

Three players, five pairs, and Thompson outflops Kings and Aces.

The board runs out 3 of clubs Queen of spades and Thompson more than doubles, with Smith out in 10th for a $920 cash.

Stay tuned for the final table layout and chipcounts


James Busoul (11, $860) was eliminated an orbit earlier.

Jancik Leads on Break

Level 17 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 10.96

The 1k chips disappear from view when action restarts with 10 players remaining in today’s $25,000 Guaranteed $400 Round-of-Each PLO/NLH.

We take a look at all counts on break and see Eyal Jancik (730,000) with a substantial lead on the field, and Ramin Soraya (425,000) holding down the No. 2 slot.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for all counts.

Now, as for ChipCountMemes .. well, you see, what happened was … Ryan ‘Luccrazy’ Lucchesi has the night off, so MemeGuy and his bag of tricks shall reappear tomorrow at TCH Las Colinas for the $2,500 NLH High Roller.

Truong Doubles Through Napolitano

Level 16 . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 10.96


Tung Truong is able to get his final 101,000 in the middle preflop, Joe Napolitano moves over the top for 179,000 and Sonny Sundara debates a bit about calling off a chunk of his stack, but he decides to muck Mom and Dad face-up.

  • Truong shows Ace of clubs 4 of diamonds
  • Nines for Napolitano

The dealer fans Ace of spades Jack of clubs 7 of diamonds 7 of spades Ace of hearts and Truong doubles, leaving Napolitano with 75,000


$1.5 Million GTD Title Event Begins Wednesday

The highlight of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas beings Wednesday with the opening two flights of the $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1,000 Title Event.

There’s two flights daily – at 11 am and 4 pm through the weekend. That’s right, y’all, opening flights on SUNDAY also, offering 10 total starting flights. Day 2 is on Monday because that’s the Labor Day holiday, and the final table livestream takes place Tuesday.

Players open competition in this Best Stack Forward tournament with 40,000 stacks, playing 30-minute levels while registration is open, 40-minute levels when level 10 begins and registration closes, and moving to hour-levels on Day 2 when Level 19 begins.

Opening flights play until the money bubble pops, paying 1-in-8 entries. Play continues until the final 8 percent of each flight Bag-n-Tag, advancing to Monday’s Day 2 Restart at 2 pm.

Day 2 plays down to the final table, that action begins Tuesday at 6 pm.


You can win your way in to the Title Event through one of MANY TCH Dallas $150 satellites, and here’s the remaining schedule of $150’s.

  • Sunday – 9 pm
  • Monday – 9 pm
  • Tuesday has $150’s at 11 am, 3 pm and 7 pm
  • Wednesday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Thursday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Friday – 2 pm and 9 pm
  • Saturday – 2 pm and 9 pm

Truong Eliminates Sontireddy on Bubble

Level 15 . Ante 10k. Blinds 5k.10k. Entries 11.96

Rohith Sontireddy gets his stack in the middle preflop of the fifth money-bubble hand, and Tung Truong – who survived al all-in two hands earlier with a chop pot – makes the call, having Sontireddy barely covered.

  • Jacks for Sontireddy
  • Queens for Truong

Angie The Dealer fans King of clubs 3 of clubs Ace of diamonds 3 of hearts King of spades and the money bubble pops, sending the final 12 into the money.

Kris Burchfield is eliminated on the first post-bubble hand, earning $790

Ramin Soraya Doubles Up

Level 15 . Ante 10,000 . Blinds 5,000.10,000 . Remaining Players 14 of 96

There was 40,000 in the, and the flop read Queen of clubs7 of spades4 of spades when Pedro Fernandez Cavazos bet 25,000. Ramin Soraya raised to 100,000, and Cavazos reraised all in for a little over 200,000. Soraya called all in for 196,000 so the two players tabled their cards.

Soraya: Ace of diamondsQueen of diamonds
Cavazos: King of heartsQueen of spades

Turn and River: 8 of diamonds6 of spades

Soraya doubled up to survive with 432,000 after collecting the pot, and Cavazos was left with next to nothing after the hand with 17,000.

Ramin Soraya – 432,000 (43 bb)
Pedro Fernandez Cavazos – 17,000 (1 bb)

Raymond Speck Doubles Up

Level 14 . Ante 8,000 . Blinds 4,000.8,000 . Remaining Players 14 of 96

Raymond Speck was all in for 94,000 with Ace of diamondsAce of spades9 of hearts7 of hearts from the button, and Ramin Soraya had him covered holding King of diamonds9 of spades8 of diamonds8 of spades UTG+1. The final board read 10 of spades6 of clubs5 of spades5 of diamondsAce of hearts, and Speck doubled up to survive with 208,000. Soraya was at 285,000 after the hand.

Raymond Speck – 208,000 (26 bb)
Ramin Soraya – 285,000 (35 bb)

Chip Count Update

Level 13 . Ante 6,000 . Blinds 3,000.6,000 . Remaining Players 15 of 96

The players are back from their third break of the day. There are now 15 players remaining in the tournament from 96 entries. Chip counts for every player will be available after the players return to their seats.

The chip leader is Eyal Janick with 433,000. Other notables include James Busoul (303,000), Ramin Soraya 303,000, Rebecca Thompson (236,00), and Robert Smith (212,000).

James Procaccini Doubles Up

Level 12 . Ante 4,000 . Blinds 2,000.4,000 . Players Remaining 17 from 96

James Procaccini was all in with King of clubs9 of clubs preflop for a little more than 40,000, and Richard Plotsky had him covered holding Ace of spadesQueen of clubs from late position.

The final board read 10 of clubs9 of spades4 of spades6 of clubs8 of spades, and Procaccini doubled up to survive with 90,000. Plotsky held 54,500 after the dust settled.

James Procaccini – 90,000 (22 bb)
Richard Plotsky – 54,500 (13 bb)

Rebecca Thompson Doubles Up

Level 11 . Ante 3,000 . Blinds 1,500.3,000 . Players Remaining 22 from 96

Rebecca Thompson was all in for 57,000 with Ace of heartsAce of clubs in the hole from the cutoff, and Joe Napolitano had her covered holding Ace of spadesKing of spades from late position.

The final board read Jack of clubs7 of clubs2 of spadesKing of clubs3 of spades, and Thompson doubled up to survive with 121,500 after collecting the pot. Napolitano was still cruising with 283,000 after the hand.

Rebecca Thompson – 121,500 (40 bb)
Joe Napolitano – 283,000 (94 bb)

Raymond Speck Doubles Up

Level 10 . Ante 2,000 . Blinds 1,000.2,000 . Players Remaining 25 from 96

The flop read 7 of spades6 of hearts2 of diamonds when Raymond Speck got all in with Ace of spades9 of hearts8 of spades6 of diamonds from the cutoff, and Stuart Wilkinson had him covered holding Queen of spades10 of clubs10 of hearts4 of spades. The turn and river were dealt Jack of spades2 of spades to give Speck a flush, and that was good to score a double up worth 78,000. Wilkinson was left with next to nothing after the hand with a stack of 6,000.

Raymond Speck – 78,000 (39 bb)
Stuart Wilkinson – 6,000 (3 bb)

Payout Structure

Level 9 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . Players Remaining 31 from 96

The total field size for Event 16 has been set at 96 entries, and 31 currently remaining in the hunt for the money. The bubble will burst when 12 players remain. The min-cash is good for $790, with the top prize paying out at $10,040. The total prize was set at $31,680 to top the $25,000 guarantee. Here is a look at the full payout structure for the tournament.

1: $10,040
2: $6,020
3: $3,800
4: $2,460
5: $1,900
6: $1,500
7: $1,270
8: $1,110
9: $1,010
10: $920
11: $860
12: $790

Chip Count Update

Level 9 . Ante 1,500 . Blinds 1,000.1,500 . Entries 96

The players are back from their second break of the day. There are now 96 players in the tournament with registration closed. Chip counts for every player will be available after the players return to their seats.

The chip leader is Joe Napolitano with 353,000. Other top stacks are held by Eyal Jancik (234,000), Kris Burchfield (144,000), Ravee Sundara 141,500), and Ramin Soraya (135,500 bb). Ray Henson is also in the mix with a stack of 97,000, and Mstr Lynch is at 53,500.

Joe Napolitano Takes One Out

Level 8 . Ante 1,200 . Blinds 600.1,200 . Entries 89

During a hand of hold’em Joe Napolitano raised to 2,500 preflop from late position, and the button reraised all in short. Napolitano called to cover him so they flipped over their cards.

Napolitano: King of clubsQueen of hearts
Late Position: Ace of heartsKing of spades

Board: King of heartsQueen of clubs5 of diamondsAce of diamonds2 of spades

Napolitano took out his opponent, and he stacked up 313,000 after collecting the pot.

Joe Napolitano – 313,000 (260 bb)

Mstr Lynch Doubles Up

Level 7 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 500.1,000 . Entries 77

There was 25,000 in the pot, and the board read 10 of clubs3 of spades2 of clubsJack of clubs10 of spades during a hand of no-limit hold’em when Mstr Lynch moved all in for 17,500 from the button. Eric Price tanked for a minute before check-calling under the gun so the two players tabled their cards.

Lynch doubled up to survive with 37,500 after collecting the pot, and Lynch was at 17,000 after the dust settled.

Mstr Lynch – 37,500 (37 bb)
Eric Price – 17,000 (17 bb)

William Burford Doubles Up

Level 6 . Ante 800 . Blinds 400.800 . Entries 74

The flop read Queen of diamonds10 of diamonds5 of spades when William Burford was all in holding Ace of clubsJack of clubsJack of spades9 of hearts, and Diego Mendoza had him covered holding King of diamondsQueen of clubs10 of spades3 of diamonds. The turn and river were peeled off the deck to hit 4 of diamonds6 of diamonds, and Burford doubled up to survive with 95,000, and Mendoza was down to 11,500 after the dust settled.

William Burford – 95,000 (118 bb)
Diego Mendoza – 11,500 (14 bb)

First Break of the Day

Level 4 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 56

The players are going on the their first break of the day. There are now 56 players in the tournament, with registration open until the start of Level 9 in just over two hours from now. Chip counts for every player will be available after the players return to their seats.

The chip leader is Scott Rokita with 156,000. Other top stacks are held by Joe Napolitano (138,000), Eyal Jancik (123,300), Kenneth Donoghue (98,700), and James Procaccini (97,000).

PLO Mix at 11 … and Bomb Pots Later Today

Cards are in the air in 11 am at TCH Dallas for Event 15 – a $25,000 Guaranteed $400 PLO / NLH Mix.

Players open with 30,000 stacks and play 30-minute levels the entire single-day of competition. Registration and the unlimited-entry period is available until 3:30 pm when level 9 begins.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash. Y’all are playing eight hands of PLO, then 8 hands of NLH, rinse repeat, all day. Remember, the ante in PLO does not count preflop as part of the pot.

There’s more PLO fun in Dallas at 5 pm, with a $10,000 Guaranteed $200 Double Board Bomb Pot with $100 Rebuys.

PLO-NLH Mixed 4th Break Chip Counts

Eyal Jancik – Winner

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