
#1 – NLH Dallas Duel (15 Flights)

Dallas & Las Colinas

Tue, Aug 15 - Sun, Aug 20

Buy-in: $500

Guarantee: $1,000,000

Tue, Aug 15 10:00am
Tue, Aug 15 2:00pm
1C - Turbo
Tue, Aug 15 5:00pm
Wed, Aug 16 10:00am
Wed, Aug 16 2:00pm
1F - Turbo
Wed, Aug 16 5:00pm
Thu, Aug 17 10:00am
Thu, Aug 17 2:00pm
1I - Turbo
Thu, Aug 17 5:00pm
Fri, Aug 18 10:00am
Fri, Aug 18 2:00pm
1L - Turbo
Fri, Aug 18 5:00pm
Sat, Aug 19 10:00am
Sat, Aug 19 2:00pm
1O - Turbo
Sat, Aug 19 5:00pm
Day 2
Sun, Aug 20 1:00pm

Balaji Ellur Leads Flight I Through Level 12

Level 13 . Ante 3000 . Blinds 1500.3000 . Entries 107.410

Flight I continues to progress with roughly three-quarters of the field down through 12 levels of play. Balaji Ellur leads with 704,500, nearly 200k clear of second-place James Galloway, who has 506,500.

Ryan Page is third, just below the half-milly mark with 493,000, and Jo Liu (428,000) and Ronnie Robinson (365,500) complete the top five.

Please refer to the Chip Counts tab above for a full list of counts from the field.

Flight I – Gaines Eliminates Carrizales

Level 12 . Ante 2500 . Blinds 1500.2500 . Entries 108.410

Julian Gaines limps UTG, David Carrizales and David Register also limp, Jeffrey Meuangkhot completes and Dennis Krusch checks his option.

The dealer fans Ace of clubs 5 of clubs 5 of diamonds, Gaines opens for 7,000, Carrizales moves in for 22,500, and all but Gaines snap-fold.

Gaines, however, gives a short pause, then commits a small portion of his stack.

  • 7 of spades 7 of clubs for Gaines for two pair
  • Ace of hearts 4 of clubs for Carrizales for a better two pair.

The turn is 2 of clubsCarrizales can improve to a wheel, Gaines drawing to a better flush draw and sevens.

River 8 of clubs completes the flush and the elimination, Gaines moving to 265,500.

Jhonny Donnelly Wins Event #1, Robert Viafora Eliminated in 2nd Place ($117,770)

Level 35. Ante 800k. Blinds 400k/ 800k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 0

Jhonny Donnelly limped on the button, and Robert Viafora moved all in for 11,800,000. Donnelly quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Donnelly: King of diamondsKing of spades
Viafora: King of clubs3 of clubs

The flop came Ace of diamonds9 of spades3 of diamonds giving Viafora some hope with a pair of threes, but leaving Donnelly in the lead with his pocket kings.

Unfortunately for Viafora the 4 of hearts turn and 5 of diamonds river did not improve his hand, and he was eliminated in 2nd place taking home $117,770.

Jhonny Donnelly takes home 164,160 and the trophy.


Jacob Phillips Eliminated in 3rd Place ($76,370)

Level 35. Ante 800k. Blinds 400k/800k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 2

Robert Viafora moved all in from the small blind, forcing Jacob Phillips to make a decision for his tournament life. Phillips thought for a few moments, but ultimately moved all of his chips into the middle.

Viafora: King of spades8 of clubs
Phillips: 8 of spades7 of diamonds

The board ran out 10 of clubs5 of clubs2 of diamondsKing of diamondsAce of hearts eliminating Phillips in 3rd place.

Robert Viafora – 30,000,000
Jacob Phillips – Eliminated in 3rd place ($76,370)



Mohammad Abedi Eliminated in 4th Place ($56,670)

Level 35. Ante 800k. Blinds 400k/ 800k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 3

Mohammad Abedi raised to 1.6 million from under the gun, and Jhonny Donnelly raised all in for 29,800,000. It folded back to Abedi who quickly called.

Abedi: Ace of spadesQueen of diamonds
Donnelly: Jack of heartsJack of diamonds

The board ran out King of hearts7 of spades3 of diamondsKing of diamondsJack of spades, improving Donnelly to a full house, and eliminating Abedi in 4th place.


Aden Salazar Eliminated in 5th Place ($42,710)

Level 34. Ante 600k. Blinds 300k/600k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 4

It folded to Aden Salazar in the small blind who moved all in for 9.2 million. Jhonny Donnelly thought for a few moments in the big blind before ultimately calling.

Salazar: King of clubsJack of clubs
Donnelly: Ace of hearts8 of clubs

The board ran out 9 of hearts7 of clubs6 of diamonds10 of spades10 of diamonds giving Donnelly a straight and eliminating Salazar in 5th place.


Guillermo Martinez Eliminated in 6th Place ($34,470)

Level 24. Ante 600k. Blinds 300k/600k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 5

Mohammad Abedi raised to 1,200,000 from under the gun, and Guillermo Martinez moved all in from the hijack for 5,000,000. It folded to Robert Viafora in the small blind who raised to 10 million. The big blind foled and Abedi also folded.

Martinez: 7 of diamonds7 of spades
Viafora: King of heartsKing of diamonds

The board ran out Queen of diamondsQueen of spades2 of clubs3 of heartsJack of spades eliminating Martinez in 6th place.


Jonathan Steitz Eliminated in 7th Place ($28,340)

Level 33. Ante 500k. Blinds 250k/500k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 6

Johnathan Steitz moved all in from middle position, and Jhonny Donnelly shoved over the top in the hijack. All remaining players folded.

Steitz: King of hearts10 of hearts
Donnelly: King of clubsKing of diamonds

The 6 of spades3 of hearts3 of diamonds9 of clubs5 of clubs board did not improve his hand, and Steitz was eliminated in 7th place, taking home $28,340.


Cleddie Keith Eliminated in 8th Place ($22,410)

Level 32. Ante 400k. Blinds 200k/400k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 7

Mohammad Abedi opened to 800,000 in middle position. It folded to Cleddie Keith in the cutoff who moved all in for 6 million. It folded back to Abedi and he called.

Keith: Queen of heartsQueen of clubs
Abedi: Ace of clubsKing of clubs

Unfortunately for Keith, the Ace of spadesJack of spades4 of spades flop gave Abedi a pair of aces to take the lead, and the 6 of hearts turn and 4 of hearts river did not improve his hand, sending him home in 8th place.

Mohammad Abedi – 23,300,000
Cleddie Keith – Eliminated in 8th Place ($22,410) 


Anwesh Baisyat Eliminated in 9th Place ($16,680)

Level 32. Ante 400k. Blinds 200k/400k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 8

Anwesh Baisyat was all in in the big blind holding King of heartsQueen of diamonds.  and was called by a player holding 5 of heartsAce of hearts.

Unfortunately for Baisyat the 6 of hearts2 of clubs6 of diamonds4 of hearts7 of spades board did not improve his hand and he was eliminated in 9th place, taking home $16,680.


Final Table of Nine with Chip Counts

Level 32 . Ante 400k. Blinds 200k /400k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 9

1 – Mohammad Abedi – 17,100,000
2 – Robert Viafora – 16,625,000
3 – Jonathan Steitz – 13,750,000
4 – Jhonny Donnelly – 12,350,000
5 – Aden Salazar – 8,725,000
6 – Jacob Phillips – 6,525,000
7 – Cleddie Keith – 3,850,000
8 – Anwesh Baisyat – 3,700,000
9 – Guillermo Martinez – 3,600,000

Nicholas Burnett Bubbles Final Table

Level 31. Ante 300k. Blinds 150k/ 300k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 9

Robert Viafora raised to 600,000 in the hijack, and Nicholas Burnett moved all in on the button. It folded back to Viafora who quickly called and the cards were tabled:

Burnett: Ace of hearts10 of hearts
Viafora: King of spadesKing of hearts

“Ace please,” Burnett asked for as the flop came 8 of diamonds5 of spades5 of clubs.

Unfortunately the 9 of spades turn and  Queen of hearts river did not help Burnett and he was eliminated in 10th place.

The remaining 9 players are now getting situated at the live streamed final table which is set to begin in about 20 minutes, and will be on a 30 minute delay.

Robert Viafora –
Nicholas Burnett – Eliminated in 10th Place ($12,660)


Nicholas Burnett Leads Final 15 Players on 4th Break

Level 30. Ante 250k. Blinds 125k/250k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 15

Players are now on their fourth break of the day and it’s Nicholas Burnett that sits on top of the chip counts of the remaining 15 players with 13,000,000. Jhonny Donnelly is coming in second with 12,700,000, and rounding out the top three is Jonathan Steitz (8,825,000).

To see the remaining 15 player’s chip counts as of this break please click the link below.

Event 1 – Day 2 – 4th Break Chip Counts

Truong Huyan Lays Down Kings Pre-Flop

Level 29. Ante 200k. Blinds 100k / 200k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 15

Jhonny Donnelly limped in under the gun +1, and Truong Huyan made it 1,700,000 in the big blind. With action back on Donnelly, he moved all in for 8,025,000 total.

There was some “colorful” language used in a bit of banter back and forth between the two players. Huyan then went deep into the tank for nearly four minutes.

Huyan turned to the blog staff and said, “I have a really good hand.”  He then tanked for another two minutes before tossing King of spadesKing of clubs face up into the muck.

“I put you on Aces,” Huyan said.

“I had ace king, I thought you were bluffing,” Donnelly said as he showed the King of hearts.

Players will head out on a 15-minute break in just a few minutes.

Jhonny Donnelly – 10,000,000
Truong Huyan – 8,000,000

A Double For Mohammad Abedi Before Final Two Tables

Mohammad Abedi

Level 28. Ante 150k. Blinds 75k/150k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 18

Action folded to Gawain Visagi on the button who raised to 1,325,000. The small blind folded and Mohammad Abedi moved all in from the big blind for 2,475,000. Visagi paused to think for a few moments before ultimately opting to call.

Abedi: Jack of diamondsJack of spades
Visagi: 9 of spades9 of hearts

The board ran out 6 of spades5 of diamonds3 of clubsQueen of clubs7 of diamonds, safe for Visagi to double up.

“I was already in for 1.3,” Visagi said with a shrug as the pot was pushed to Abedi.

On another table, a player busted and the remaining 18 players are now being moved to the final two tables.

Mohammad Abedi – 5,025,000
Gawain Visagi – 8,400,000

29 Players Remain on Break 3

Level 27. Ante 150k. Blinds 75k/150k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 29

Players are just coming back from their third break of the day. Gawain Visagie sits atop the counts with 7,150,000. Johnny Donnelly is not far behind with 6,400,000. Rounding out the top four is Victoria Vandigriff (5,850,000) and Aden Salazar (4,875,000).

Click here for the full chip counts of all 29 players on break.

Event 1 – Day 2 – 3rd Break Chip Counts


A Double for Victoria Vandigriff

Victoria Vandigriff

Level 26. Ante 100k. Blinds 50k/100k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 29

There was a pot of around 600,000 in the middle and a board reading 7 of spades3 of spades2 of hearts5 of hearts. Truong Huynh annouced that he was all in from under the gun, and Victoria Vandigriff quickly called on the button.

Vandigriff turned over 10 of diamonds10 of spades, and Huynh showed Ace of hearts6 of hearts for a flush draw and a gutshot straight draw.

The 9 of spades river did not give Huynh one of the outs he needed, and Vandigriff was awarded a double up.

“I had to call. I win that pot, I win the tournament,” Huynh said as the chips were passed across the table to his opponent.

Victoria Vandigriff – 4,600,000
Truong Huynh – 1,200,000

Aden Salazar’s Ladies Take Down a Huge Pot

Adan Salazar

Level 25 . Ante 80k. Blinds 40k/ 80k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 39

There was a huge all in/double up over on table 18, and two of the players called over the blog staff to let us know about what was going down. As the dealer was scooping up the cards two players at the table were nice enough to reconstruct the hand for us.

Aden Salazar had raised to 210,000 in middle position. It folded to Evan Fish in the small blind who called.

The flop came 9 of diamonds5 of diamonds5 of clubs.

Fish bet out 250,000, and Salazar moved all in for 1,700,000.

Fish went deep into the tank and after nearly 4 minutes of thinking he called.

Salazar held Queen of clubsQueen of spades against Fish’s 9 of spades8 of hearts.

The 4 of heartsturn and 7 of diamonds river did not change the hand, and Salazar’s queen’s held for a big double.

Aden Salazar – 3,600,000

Event 1 Day 2 – Sayed Khan Leads on Second Break

Level 24. Ante 60k. Blinds 30k/60k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 49

Players are just coming back from their second break of the day in Event #1 the $1 million guarantee $500 buy-in event at Texas Card House Dallas. The clock is showing 49 players remaining from the 171 that started today’s Day 2.

The players all have their eyes set on the top prize of $168,120!

The final table will be live streamed on YouTube.

Click HERE to view the live streamed feature table right now!

Click below for the link to the chip counts (and eliminations) on the first break.

Event 1 – Day 2 – 2nd Break Chip Counts

Arnold Block Sends Two Home – Kasey Mills and Kenneth Detina

Arnold Block

Level 22. Ante 40k. Blinds 20k/ 40k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 70

Hand #1:

Arnold Block raised from under the gun, and action folded to Kasey Mills in the cutoff who moved all in for 140,000. It folded back to Block who quickly called.

Block: King of clubsKing of diamonds
Mills: 10 of spades10 of hearts

The board ran out 6 of diamonds4 of clubs2 of hearts6 of clubs3 of spades and after a close count of chips it was determined that Block had Mills just covered in order to send her to the rail.

Hand #2:

A few orbits later Kenneth Detina moved all in for 615,000 in late-midde position, and Arnold Block called on the button. All other players folded.

Block: Ace of heartsKing of hearts
Detina: King of diamonds9 of hearts

The flop came 6 of hearts3 of hearts3 of diamonds, and Detina said, “That’s a pretty good flop for you.”

The 5 of spades turn did not improve Detina’s hand, and the 4 of hearts on the river gave Block a flush to secure the knock-out.

Arnold Block – 1,850,000
Kenneth Detina – Eliminated in 72nd ($2,310)



Now Streaming Event 1 Day 2 Feature Table

Tonight’s final table will be live streamed via YouTube and Facebook, but until then, there is also a feature table live stream for Day 2 of Event #1. You can watch nine players in their pursuit of the final table, and ultimate top prize of $168,120.

At the time of this post the following players are currently playing on the feature table:

Seat 1 – Andriy Kovalchuk
Seat 2 – RV Phil
Seat 3 – Scrappy
Seat 4 – Brant Jolly
Seat 5 – T
Seat 6 – Randi Lister
Seat 7 – Robert
Seat 8 – Suju Abraham

You can find the stream on YouTube or Facebook/Meta.

Event 1 Day 2 – First Break

Level 21 . Ante 30k. Blinds 15k /30k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 103

Players are heading out on their first break of the day in Event #1 the $1 million guarantee $500 buy-in event at Texas Card House Dallas. The clock is showing 103 players remaining from the 171 that started today’s Day 2.

Players today are guaranteed as minimum of $1,100 for a min cash with $168,120 up top, and the final table will be live streamed on YouTube. Click HERE to view the live streamed feature table right now!

Click below for the link to the chip counts (and eliminations) on the first break.

Event 1 – Day 2 – 1st Break Chip Counts

Event 1 Day 2 – A Double for Brian Green (and His Dog)

Brian Green

Level 19. Ante 20k. Blinds 10k/20k. Entries: 2,952. Players Remaining: 135

Facing a raise from Mark Ioli in early-middle position, Brian Green moved all-in in the hijack for 210,000. It folded back to Ioli who paused for a moment before calling.

Green needed some help holding Ace of clubsQueen of clubs against Ioli’s 9 of spades9 of hearts, but he didnt have to wait long as the flop came ace-high giving Green a bigger pair. The King of clubs turn and6 of spades river did not change the hand and Green was awarded a full double-up.  Seemingly unphased, Green’s doggo rested quietly in his lap while his dad raked in the pot.

Brian Green – 470,000
Mark Ioli – 600,000

Cards In The Air – Early Morning Doubles

Jesus Perez

Level 17 . Ante 12k. Blinds 6k / 12k. Entries: 2,952 . Players Remaining: 164

Cards are in the air for Day 2 and the action is already pretty hot!

The first level has been good to three players who received a double right out the gate.

Double #1 – Jesus Perez

Jesus Perez was in all in holding 10 of clubs10 of diamonds and was called by Christopher Akin holding Ace of clubsJack of clubs.

The board ran out 4 of hearts4 of spades9 of spades2 of hearts6 of diamonds giving Jesus a full double. As the pot was pushed his way Perez looked over to Akin and said, “I’m not here to min-cash.”

Perez – 290,000
Akin – 1,195,000

Double #2 – Jordan Richard

After an early position open from Anwesh Baisyat, Jordan Richard moved all in for around 500,000, and Baisyat called.

Richard was behind holding Ace of spadesJack of clubs against Baisyat’s Ace of clubsQueen of hearts. The flop came nine high, but theJJack of hearts on the turn gave Richard a pair to take the lead. The 3 of clubs on the river maintained that lead securing Richard a double up.

Jordan Richard – 600,000
Anwesh Baisyat – 451,000

Double #3 – Genc Govori

Alison Jeffrey raised to 30 from the hijack, and Genc Govori made it 130,000 on the button leaving himself only 20,000 behind. It folded back to Jeffrey who quickly called and the cards were tabled.

Govori – King of clubsJack of clubs
Jeffrey – Ace of diamondsQueen of clubs

The board ran out 6 of hearts5 of spades4 of clubs9 of clubs7 of clubs, giveing Govori a flush on the river to double up.

Genc Govori – 330,000
Alison Jeffrey – 430,000

Day 2 Kicks Off at 1 pm

Day 2 of Event 1 – The $1 Million Guarantee $500 buy-in Event at Texas Card House kicks off at 1 pm.

There were a toal of 2,952 players that entered this event, and 378 of them made the money. 171 of those are returning today to play down to the TV final table, and eventually a winner.

The total prizepool for this event is $1,239,840.

A min cash today is worth $1,100, and the winner will take home $168, 120!

Players will begin with 16:36 left on the clock in level 17 (6k/12k with a 12k ante.)

Christopher Akin is leading the remaining 171 players with 1,340,000. Right behind him is Aden Salazar with 1,300, 000. And rounding out the top three is Senho Cao with 1,291,000.

Stat tuned here at as we bring you all of the action throughout the day!

End of Day Flight O (Turbo) Chip Counts

The final 12 players in Flight O have bagged for the night, and will return tomorrow (Sunday) to play Day 2 at 1 pm.

Jhonny Donnelly is leading this flight, ending the day with 918,000. Rounding out the top three are Cleddie Keith (775,000) and Alison Jeffrey (759,000).

Please see link below for the full counts of the final 12 players from this flight.

Final Flight O Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Money Bubble Bursts in Flight O Turbo

Preston Tran

Level 16 . Ante 10,000. Blinds 5,000 / 10,000. Entries: 201. Players Remaining: 26

The money bubble has just burst in the final Flight of Event 1. The remaining 26 players are all guarnateed at least $740, but only the final 12 players will bag up and return to play Day 2 tomorrow at 1 pm.

Here is a look at how the bubble played out.

Brian Jones moved all in from under the gun +1 for 48,000. Preston Tran called in the hijack. Gabriel Absada called in the small blind, and Jhonny Donnelly called in the big blind.

The flop came Ace of hearts2 of diamonds3 of clubs.

Both blinds checked and Tran bet 40,000. All other players folded and Tran and Jones tabled their hands.

Jones was ahead holding Ace of spadesJack of clubs for a pair of aces against Tran’s 5 of spades5 of diamonds.

The 8 of spades turn did not change the hand, but the 5 of clubs on the river gave Tran a set of fives to eliminate Jones in 27th place, with 26 players getting paid.

Tran now has approx. 460,000, and he along with the remaining players are all guaranteed at least $740.


109 Remain in Flight N, Juan Mendoza Leads

Level 12 . Ante 4,000. Blinds 2,000 / 4,000. Entries: 476. Players Remaining: 109

There are 109 players left in the second to last flight of Event #1, the $1 Million Guarantee, $500 Buy-In No Limit Hold ’em tournament.

At the top of the counts on this third break is Juan Mendoza (434,000). Following behind him are: Jeffrey Martensen (365,000) and Vishal Thamman (349,000).

This flight will play down to the final 29 players before bagging up for the night, and will return tomorrow at 1 pm for Day 2 restart.

Here is a look at the full chip counts and bust-outs as of the third break:

Event 1N Break 3 – Chip Counts

Flight O Turbo – Third Break Counts

Level 12 . Ante 4,000. Blinds 2,000/4,000 . Entries 201

Players are back from their third break of the night. Below you will find a link to the most up to date chip counts for all players in Flight O, including all bust-outs.

Jhonny Donnelly is first in chips with 633,000. Rounding out the top three are Tabish Hasan (306,000) and Gregg Merkow (249,000).

Event 1 Flight O Break 3 – Chip Counts

Largest Flight of Event 1 – Flight N

Level 10. Ante 2,000. Blinds 1,000/2,000. Entries 476.

Registration is closed in Flight N of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – the flight taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the clock shows 476 entries, making it the largest flight of all 15 in Event 1.

Play continues down to 29 players who will not only make the money, but also bag and advance to Sunday’s Day 2 restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 30th-60th place all earn a Flight N tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday. The payouts for those that will make the money but not bag are as follows:

  • 30-39th cash for $900
  • 40-49th cash for $820
  • 50-60th cash for $740

Here is a look at the chip counts and bust-outs at the close of registration

Event 1N Break 2 – Chip Counts

201 Players for Turbo Fight O – End of Registration

Level 10. Ante 3,000. Blinds 1,500/3,00 . Entries 201. Players Remaining 75

Registration is closed in the final flight of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – the Turbo flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and registration for this flight is ending with 201 entries.

A total of 26  players will cash tonight, and 12 of those players will bag up chips at tbe end of the flight and advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 13th-26th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 13-16th cash for $900
  • 17-21st cash for $820
  • 22-26th cash for $740

Click here for a list of all players’ counts (as well as bust-outs) at end of registration in Flight O:

Event 1 Flight O Break 2 – Chip Counts

Flight M – End of Day Chipcounts

At the end of Flight M it is Mohammad Abedi (1,116,000) that sits on top of the chip counts, earning himself a $2,000 cash bonus for being the chipleader at the end of the 10am flight.  Rounding out the top four are Dien Le (1,099,000), Robert Viafora (1,072,000), and Chris Kwon (1,058,000).

Please see the link below or the Chip Counts Tab above for the final counts of the 24 players that bagged this flight.

Final Flight M Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Flight M Payouts

51 – David Carrizales – $740
50 – Jason Walker – $740
49 – Chelsey Gilbert – $740
48 – Mark Jenner – $740
47 – Victor Johnson – $740
46 – Jarod Einsohn – $740
45 – Thomas Ellis – $740
44 – Mark Wong – $740
43 – Yongxin Chen – $740
42 – Jonathan Alfonozo – $820
41 – Joel Woods – $820
40 – Benjamin Perez – $820
39 – Dwayne Carreon – $820
38 – Barbara Sargent – $820
37 – Randall Campbell – $820
36 – Lance Garcia – $820
35 – John Harrison – $820
34 – Earl Simpson – $820
33 – Jose Montes – $900
32 – Stephen Beckwith – $900
31 – Neel Mazumdar – $900
30 – Zachary Matson – $900
29 – Michael Oman – $900
28 – Trung Pham – $900
27 – Christian Duranleau – $900
26 – Santosh Kumar Naidu – $900
25 – Shay Linton – $900

(The remaing 24 players have bagged and will return to play Day 2 tomorrow at 1 pm.)

Alison Jeffrey Leads Final Flight of Event 1 (Flight O – Turbo) on First Break

Alison Jeffrey

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300/600. Entries 176

The final flight of Event 1 ($1 Million Guarantee, $500 Buy-In) is back from first break of the day.

Alison Jeffrey leads this final flight of Event 1 with 179,500, while Michael Vu (152,700), Matthew Dalka (136,700), and Nikhil Chakravarthy (116,400) are not far behind.

For a look at the full chip counts for this final flight please see the Chip Counts tab or the link below.

Event 1 Flight O Break 1 – Chip Counts

Bubble Bursts in Flight M – In the Money

Level 15. Ante 8k. Blinds 4k/8k. Entries: 404. Players Remaining: 51.

The money bubble has burst, and it was Jose Hidalgo that was sent home in 52nd place.

It folded around to Hidalgo in the hijack who moved all in for his remaining 19,000, and Ben Perez (pictured above) quickly called on the button.

Hidalgo was behind holding Ace of clubsQueen of hearts against Perez’s Ace of heartsAce of spades.

The board ran out Queen of diamonds10 of clubs9 of hearts3 of clubs6 of hearts sending Hidalgo home.  But as the bubble, his name is now entered into a drawing for two free seats into the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend.

Ben Perez as well as the remaining 51 players are now in the money and guaranteed at least $740.

Ben Perez – 240,000

Flight N – First Break Chipcounts

Level 5. Ante 600. Blinds 300 / 600. Entries: 412.

Flight N is the second to last chance to get into the $1 Million Guarantee, $500 buy-in Event here at Texas Card House.  Tonight will see one last (turbo) flight at 5 pm, and Day 2 resumes at 1 pm tomorrow (Saturday Aug. 20th).

It’s first break of Flight N, and we find Vivek Shingala (190,700) at the top of the counts.  Coming in second and third are Sharan Shyangbo (117,500), and Swayne Evans (117,300).

This is the final flight to claim the $2,000 cash bonus.  The player that ends as chipleader of this flight receives $2,000 cash!

Here is a look at all players’ chipcounts, but-outs, etc. on the first break:

Event 1N Break 1 – Chip Counts


Nearing the Bubble in Flight M

Level 15. Ante 8,000. Blinds 4,000 / 8,000. Entries: 404. Players Remaining: 53

Players are heading out on their fourth break of the day, and the clock shows 53 players remaining.

A total of 51 players make the money, and 24 of those players will bag up chips for Day 2 tomorrow at 1 pm.

For a full list of chip counts from 4th break please click the link below

Event 1M Break 4 – Chip Counts

Final Flight O (Turbo) Kicks Off


Level 1 . Ante 200. Blinds 100/200. Entries: 62.

The final flight of Event #1 is underway, and the clock is showing 62 entries so far.

There are now three flights in action, two here at TCH Dallas, and one at TCH Las Colinas.

Across the room in Flight M there are 63 players remaining from the 404-entry starting field. They are currently midway through Level 13.

Down the road, Flight N at Las Colinas is in Level 3 and there are 306 entries so far.

Flight O has registration and unlimited-entry available until the start of Level 9 (8:10 pm). All levels are 20-minutes in the turbo flights.

Jason Walker Leads on Third Break of Flight M

Level 12. Ante 4,000. Blinds 2,000/ 4,000. Entries: 404. Players Remaining: 89

Flight M is the final 10 am flight of the $1 million guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel event here at Texas Card House.  The chipleader at the end of this flight will earn a $2,000 bonus in addition to the tournament cash.

Let’s take a look at the current chip counts of the top three stacks in the room:

Jason Walker (390,000)

William Byrd (249,000)

Richard Schultz (320,000)

As a reminder, this flight will see 51 players make the money, and 24 of those players will bag up chips and return for Day 2 tomorrow (Sunday Aug. 20th) at 1 pm.

Follow along here for all of the action for this event, as well as all of the other events of the PokerAtlas Dallas/Las Colinas series.

Event 1M Break 3 – Chip Counts

Flight M – The Numbers are In

Level 10. Ante 2,000. Blinds 1,000/ 2,000. Entries: 404. Players Remaining: 128

The official number of entries upon close of registration for the third to last flight (Flight M) of the $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel taking place at Texas Card House Dallas is 404 entries.

A total of 51 players will make the money from this flight, and 24 of those 51 players will also bag chips and return to play Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 25th-51st place earning a tournament cash but not advancing to Day 2 will be paid out as follows:

  • 25th-33rd cash for $900
  • 34th-42nd cash for $820
  • 43rd-51st cash for $740

The chipleader at the end of this flight at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of today’s 2 pm Dallas Duel Flight N at TCH Las Colinas.

All players that bubble in each of the 15 total starting flights are entered into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend.

William Byrd Leads Flight M at End of Registration

Level 9. Ante 1,000. Blinds 1,000/1,500. Entries 404.

Players are now on thir second break in Flight M at Texas Card House Dallas and players have until the end of this break to register into this first of three flights today.

The chipleaders on this second break is William Byrd with 325,000 in chips. Byrd is the only player over the 300k chip mark. Rounding out the top four is Richard Schultz (259,500), Alex Nguyen (211,000) , and Randall Crouch (194,500).

A full list of all players’ chip counts and bust outs can be found by clicking the link below.

Event 1M Break 2 – Chip Counts

Flight N Off and Running

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200. Entries 192

Cards are in the air for the second to last of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel, this flights plays at TCH Social Club Las Colinas. The clock is currently showing 192 entries, and that number will certainly climb as registration is open until Level 9 at 4:30 pm.  Players will play 30 minute levels, and 1 in 8 entries will cash, with the final 6% bagging to return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.  There are unilmited re-entries allowed before registration closes.

Event 1 features a live stream final table on Sunday, and will be played down to a winner.

There are three flights today, the last day to enter. The first started at 10 am at Texas Card House Dallas with registrataion open to 2:30, and this flight at 2 pm held at TCH Las Colinas and a third and final turbo flight that will take place at 5 pm this evening at the Dallas location.

There is a special $2,000 cash bonus for the player that finishes as the chipleader of each 10 am flight at TCH Dallas, and the 2 pm flight at TCH Las Colinas.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Flight M – First Break Chip Counts

Level 6. Ante 400. Blinds 400-800. Entries 354.

The PokerAtlas Tour is truly carving a name for itself by being a leader in the industry of player friendly programing, and an innovative touornament system.  With that being said, all chip counts are updated on every break of every event for every single player. This allows people to follow their favorite players more closely in real time.

We recenty finished the first break of Event 1, Flight M at TCH Dallas.  Leading the first of three flights today after the break is Jesse Mcvicker with 205,600. The next closest stack behind Mcvicker is Stanley Holley. Coming in third is William Byrd with 106,700.

As a reminder, these players all started with 30,000 in chips. There are unlimited re-entries allowed until Level 9, at 2:30 this afternoon.

Here is a look at the entire field, including all chip counts, bust outs, and re-entries.

Event 1M Break 1 – Chip Counts

Final Three Flights Today, Flight M Starts Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the thirteenth of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel.

Players play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights today in the Dallas Duel, with the 10 am flight and 5 pm Turbo flight at Texas Card House Dallas, while the  2 pm afternoon flight will be in action down the road at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Flight K – End of Day Chipcounts – Two Females in Top 4

At the end of Flight K it is Victoria Vandigriss that sits on top of the chip counts, earning herself a $2,000 cash bonus for being the chipleader at the end of the 2pm flight.  Vandigriff is the only player from this flight to have crossed over the million chip mark, ending the night with 1,136,000. Rounding out the top four are William Burford (820,000), Aaron Hohenstein (814,000), and Jessica Richards (796,000).

Please see the link below or the Chip Counts Tab above for the final counts of the players that bagged this flight.

Final Flight K Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Flight K- In the Money, Brett Horton Bubbles

Brett Horton has been eliminated in 43rd place, leaving the remaining 42 players in the money, and guaranteed a payday of at least $740.  Play will continue until the field reaches the final 20 players. Those 20 players will then bag up chips and return to play Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

A list of payouts for this flight along with the final chipcounts will be posted later on tonight or tomorrow.

Flight L – In the Money, Fritz Alcantara Bubbles

Fritz Alcantara has been eliminated in 19th place, leaving the remaining 18 players in the money, and guaranteed a payday of at least $740.  Play will continue until the field reaches the final 9 players. Those nine players will then bag up chips and return to play Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

A list of payouts for this flight along with the final chipcounts will be posted later on tonight or tomorrow.

Flight L – Fourth Break Counts

Level 15 . Ante 4,000. Blinds 4,000/4,00 . Entries 142.

Players are back from their fourth break of the night. Below you will find a link to the most up to date chip counts for all players in Flight L, including all bust-outs.

Aaron Mcevoy is coming in first in chips with 537,000. Rounding out the top three are Ronald Stevens with 500,000, and Robert Dreyfuss with 487,000.

Event 1L Break 4 – Chip Counts

Flight K – Nearing Bubble – 4th Break Chip Counts

Level 15 . Ante . 8k . Blinds 4k/8k . Entries 329. Players Remaining 47.

There are 47 players remaining in Flight K of the $1 million guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel event, and 42 of those players will make the money.

As a reminder, while 42 players finish in the money, this flight will play down to the final 20 before bagging up for the night, and those 20 players will all return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The top three stacks at this break are as follows:

1 – Colton Hall – 718,000
2 – Kiran Suresh – 497,000
3 – Aaron Hohenstein – 447,000

For a complete list of all chip counts, including bust outs, please click the link below.

Event 1K Break 4 – Chip Counts

Flight L – Third Break Counts

Level 13 . Ante 5,000. Blinds 3,000/5,000 . Entries 142

Players are back from their third break of the night. Below you will find a link to the most up to date chip counts for all players in Flight L, including all bust-outs.

Fritz Alcantara is still first in chips with 344,000. Rounding out the top three are Badr Imejjane (263,000) and Robert Dreyfuss (163,000).

Event 1L Break 3 – Chip Counts

Reg Closed in Turbo Flight L

Registration is closed in the twelfth of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this Turbo flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and registration for this flight ended with 142  entries. That officially makes this flight the biggest turbo flight yet, with one more to play tomorrow.

A total of 18 players will cash tonight, and 9 of those players will bag up chips at tbe end of the flight and advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 10th-18th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 10-12th cash for $900
  • 13-15th cash for $820
  • 16-18th cash for $740

Flight J – End of Day Chipcounts

At the end of Flight J it is Simon Webster that sits on top of the chip counts, earning himself a $2,000 cash bonus for being the chipleader at the end of the 10am flight.  Webster is the only player from this flight to have crossed over the million chip mark, ending the night with 1,190,000. Mark Ioli ended with 907,000, and rounding out the top three counts from this flight is Michael Martin with 813,000.

Please see the link below or the Chip Counts Tab above for the final counts of the 14 players that bagged this flight.

Final Flight J Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Flight J Payouts

30th – David Gonzalez – $740
29th – Yafang Liu – $740
28th – Nathan Hays – $740
27th – Thomas Robertson – $740
26th – Justin Custer – $740
25th – Eyal Jancik – $740
24th – Donovan Bankett – $820
23rd – Zachary Wolf – $820
22nd – Taek Nam – $820
21st – Jeffery Meuangkhot – $820
20th – Amarinder Bindra – $820
19th – Eric Keopraseuth – $900
18th – Christopher Pearson – $900
17th – Joel Woods – $900
16th – Ryan Hardin – $900
15th – Brian Green – $900

Shahin Norouzian Leads Flight K on Third Break

Level 12 . Ante . 4k . Blinds 2k/4k . Entries 329. Players Remaining 88.

There’s a pause after 11 levels, let’s catch up on all the chipcounts so far with 88 players remaining, playing all the way down to 20 players before the Bag-n-Tag tonight.

Shahin Norouzian’s 299,000 leads the way. Hot on his tail is Philip White (270,000), followed by Victor Johnson (254,000) and Kiran Suresh (226,000).

Check below or on the Chip Counts tab for chip counts of all players, including all recorded bustouts in Flight K.

Event 1K Break 3 – Chip Counts

Flight K Biggest Flight So Far!

Level 9 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 1k/1,500 . Entries 329

Registration is closed in Flight K of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – the flight taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the clock shows 329 entries.

Play continues down to 20 players who will not only make the money, but also bag and advance to Sunday’s Day 2 restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 21st-42nd place all earn a Flight K tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday. The payouts for those that will make the money but not bag are as follows:

  • 21-27th cash for $900
  • 28-34th cash for $820
  • 35-42nd cash for $740

Event 1K Break 2 – Chip Counts

Flight J In the Money – Jordan Richard Bubbles

Justin Custer

Level 16. Ante 10k. Blinds 5k/10k. Entries 236. Players Remaining 30.

All players in Flight J are now officially in the money and guaranteed at least $740.

14 of the remaining players will bag up at the end of the flight and advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The money bubble burst when Jordan Richard shoved all in from the small blind for 150,000, and Justin Custer (pictured below) quickly called in the big blind.

Richard needed some help holding Jc6c against Custer’s KcQd.

“I picked the wrong time,” Richard said as the KhJd8h flop came out.

Unfortunately for Richard, the 10h turn and Qs river did not improve his hand, and he was eliminated in 31st place, with 30 players paid.

While it’s never fun to bubble a tournament, Richard’s name will be added to a drawing where TWO people get a free seat into the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend.


Fritz Alcantara Leads Flight L (Turbo) on First Break

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600. Entries 101

Players are on their first break in Flight L of our $1 Million Guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel NLH event.

There’s Fritz Alcantara leading the way right now with a 139,900 stack, followed by Stanley Holley (128,800) and Bao Nguyen (67,600).

Here is a look at all of the stacks on break, including bust-outs.

Event 1L Break 1 – Chip Counts

Flight J – Bubble Looms on 4th Break

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k/8k . Entries 236. Players Remaining 33.

There are 33 players remaining in this morning’s Flight J of the $1 million guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel event, and 30 of those players will make the money.

Players are now heading out on their 4th break of the day. When they return to play the bubble will likely burst shortly, and all remaining players are guaranteed at least $740 for a min-cash.

As a reminder, this flight will play down to the final 14 players before bagging up for the night, and those 14 players will return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

Here is a look at the remaining players’ chip stacks headed into bubble play

Flight J 4th Break Chipcounts


Who Wants Bacon?!?

Texas Card House Las Colinas is widely known for not only their great poker action, but also a fantastic food menu. One of the most highly acclaimed items on the menu is known as, “Bad Beat Bacon.”  According to their menu this appetizer is bacon coated in brown sugar and chili.

THC Social Club Las Calinas is currently offering a fabulous promotion that has people talking! This promotion offers all players that lose a hand with Aces Full or better in No-Limit Hold ’em, or Quads in Omaha, to be served a complimentary order of their famous bacon.

This fun promotion is not all that Texas Card House is offering as far as promotions are concerned!  In Event #1 of the PokerAtlas $1 Million Guarantee, $500 Buy-in event that has 15 starting flights the following promotions/bonuses are up for grabs:

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight at TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight at TCH Las Colinas. Finish up the flight as the chipleader and you instantly receive $2,000 cash!

But wait, there’s more. Bag a Day-2 stack at BOTH the Dallas and Las Colinas locations and you will earn a “Double Threat” bonus of $5,000 cash!

The PokerAtlas Tour is running at both the Dallas and Las Colinas rooms from August 15th through September 5th, and is offering an amazing $3,000,000 + in guarantees, with live streamed final tables.



Flight L (Turbo) Begins at TCH Dallas

Level 1 . Ante 100 . Blinds 100/200 . Entries 33

The twelth of 15 total starting flights in the $1 Million Guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel begins, and the clock is showing 33 players seated so far.

There are now three flights in action, two here at TCH Dallas, and one at TCH Las Colinas.

Across the room in Flight J there are 41 players remaining from the 236-entry starting field. They are currently midway through Level 13.

Down the road, Flight K at Las Colinas is in Level 6 and there are 272 entries so far.

Flight L has registration and unlimited-entry available until the start of Level 9 (8:10 pm). All levels are 20-minutes in the turbo flights.

Down to 55 Players in Flight J on Third Break

Level 12 . Ante . 4,000 . Blinds 2,000/4,000 . Entries 236. Players Remaining 55

There’s a pause after 11 levels, let’s catch up on all the chipcounts so far with 55 remaining, playing all the way down to the last 14 before the Bag-n-Tag tonight.

Michael Martin’s 381,000 leads the way. Martin is currently the only player in this flight to have passed the 300k threshold. The next closest chip stack belongs to Tribikya Thapa (244,000), and Christopher Akin is coming in third (235,000).

Check below or under the Chip Counts tab for chip counts of all players, including all recorded bustouts in Flight J.

Event 1J Break 3 – Chip Counts

William Burford Leads Flight K on First Break at Las Colinas

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 263. Players Remaining 160

Players in Flight K at TCH Las Colinas are back from first break. There are currently 263 total entries, and registration remains open until Level 9 (approx. 6:30 pm.)

William Burford (115,500) is leading the pack. He’s followed by Philip White, the only other player to have crossed the 100K chip mark (105,700), and Andrew Dinger (98,800).

We bring you full-field chipcounts for every event, every flight, every break, and every tournament of the entire PokerAtlas Dallas series. Take a look above for the Flight K counts under the chip count tab or by clicking the link below.

Event 1K Break 1 – Chip Counts

Flight J – The Numbers are In

Level 10 . Ante 2,000. Blinds 1,000/2,000. Entries: 236. Players Remaining: 67

The official number of entries upon close of registration for Flight J of the $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel taking place at Texas Card House Dallas is 236 entries,

A total of 30 players will make the money from this flight, and 14 of those 30 players will also bag chips and return to play Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 15th-30th place earning a tournament cash but not advancing to Day 2 will be paid out as follows:

  • 15th-19th cash for $900
  • 20th-24th cash for $820
  • 25th-30th cash for $740

The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and earn the, “Double Threat” bonus of $5,000 cash.

And if that isn’t enough in bonuses for you, all players that bubble in each of the 15 total starting flights are entered into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask any of the tournament staff for additional details on this neat bubble-play offer.

Jordan Richard Leads Flight J at End of Registration

Level 9. Ante 1,000. Blinds 1,000/1,500. Entries 236

Players are now on thir second break in Flight J at Texas Card House Dallas and players have until the end of this break to register into this first of three flights today.

The chipleaders on this second break is Jordan Richard with 229,000 in chips. Coming in behind him is Cody Tooker, the only other player over the 200k chip mark.  Michael Martin is in third with 197,500.

A full list of all players’ chip counts and bust outs can be found by clicking the link below.

Event 1J Break 2 – Chip Counts



Flight K is Off to a Great Start

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200. Entries 115

Cards are in the air for the eleventh of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel, this flights plays at TCH Social Club Las Colinas. The clock is currently showing 118 entries, and that number will certainly climb as registration is open until Level 9 at 4:30 pm.  Players will play 30 minute levels, and 1 in 8 entries will cash, with the final 6% bagging to return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.  There are unilmited re-entries allowed before registration closes.

Event 1 features a live stream final table on Sunday, and will be played down to a winner.

There are three flights per day from now through Saturday with 10 am and 5 pm (turbo) flights being held at Texas Card House Dallas, and 2 pm afternoon flights held at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as they choose as this event offeres a Best Stack Forward option. As an added bonus, if a player bags in a flight at BOTH TCH Dallas as well as Las Colinas, they will earn a $5,000 cash Double Threat bonus.

In addition to the Double Threat bonus, there is a special $2,000 cash bonus for the player that finishes as the chipleader of each 10 am flight at TCH Dallas, and the 2 pm flight at TCH Las Colinas.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Flight J – Brian Green and Caleb Barber Eiminated in 4-Way All-In

As shown in the photo below, a big hand recently took place the led to the elimination of both Caledb Barber and Brian Green.

The hands were as follows:

Michael Hager 8c 8s
Brian Green: Jd Js
Caleb Barber: 6d 6c
Phu Vo: Ks Ts

In the end, it was the Phu Vo’s fluah that took down the pot, beating Hager’s set of eights, Green’s overpair of jacks, and Barber’s paif of sixes.

The players eliminated have the chance to re-enter as this event features unlimited re-entries throughout the registration period, ending at Level 9 (4:30 pm.)


Flight J – First Break Chip Counts

Level 5. Ante 300. Blinds 300-600. Entries 183.

The PokerAtlas Tour is truly carving a name for itself by being a leader in the industry of player friendly programing, and an innovative touornament system.  With that being said, all chip counts are updated on every break of every event for every single player. This allows people to follow their favorite players more closely in real time.

We are currently on the first break of Event 1, Flight J at TCH Dallas.  Leading the first of three flights today after the break is Philip Chow with 115,200. Right behind Chow, and the only other player that has crossed the 100k chip mark so far, is Justin Custer. Coming in third is Charles Barker with 94,000.

As a reminder, these players all started with 30,000 in chips. There are unlimited re-entries allowed until Level 9, at 2:30 this afternoon.

Here is a look at the entire field, including all chip counts, bust outs, and re-entries.

Event 1J Break 1 – Chip Counts

Three Flights Today, Flight J Starts Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the tenth of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel.

Players play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are in action down the road at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day 2 Bag at BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Flight G Payouts

Here are the players earning a Day 1 tournament cash by finishing in 10-20th place in Event 1, Flight G of the 2023 PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series.

20th – Nir Cohen – $700
19th – John Brooks – $700
18th – Peng Li – $700
17th – Conrad Polkosnik – $700
16th – Jessica Richards – $820
15th – Christopher Akin – $820
14th – Benjamin Perez – $820
13th – Ali Bahrami – $820
12th – Brance Poempipatana – $900
11th – Fen Chen – $900
10th – Justin Petri – $900

1G Payouts



Flight H – 4th Break Chip Counts

Level 15 . Ante . 8k . Blinds 4k/8k . Entries 218. Players Remaining 32.

There are 32 players remaining in Flight H of the $1 million guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel event, and 20 of those players will make the money.

As a reminder, while 20 players finish in the money, this flight will play down to the final 9 players before bagging up for the night, and those 9 players will all return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The top three stacks at this break are as follows:

1 – Aden Salazar – 458,000
2 – Arun Balasubramanian – 412,000
3 – Dien Pham – 397,000

For a complete list of all chip counts, including bust outs, please click the link below.

Event 1H Break 4 – Chip Counts

Flight I Turbo – 3rd Break Chip Counts

Level 13 . Ante 5,000. Blinds 3,000/5,00 . Entries 103

Players are back from their third break of the night. Below you will find a link to the most up to date chip counts for all players in Flight I, including all bust-outs.

Ryan Lincks is coming in first in chips with 250,000. Rounding out the top three are Nikhil Chakravarthy with 244,000, and Jason Rogers with 216,000.

Event 1I Break 3 – Chip Counts

103 Players for Turbo Fight I

Level 9 . Ante 1,500. Blinds 1,000/1,500 . Entries 103

Registration is closed in the ninth of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this Turbo flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and registration for this flight is ending with 103 entries.

A total of 13 players will cash tonight, and 6 of those players will bag up chips at tbe end of the flight and advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 13-7th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 7-8th cash for $900
  • 9-10th cash for $820
  • 11-13th cash for $740

Brandon Turner is leading the pack at the end of registration with 158,500. Ryan Lincks is coming in 2nd with 132,000, and Nikhil Chakravarthy rounds out the top 3 with 128,500.

Click here for a list of all players’ counts (as well as bust-outs) at end of registration in Flight I:

Event 1I Break 2 – Chip Counts



Phillip Bertram Leads Flight H After 11 Levels

Level 12 . Ante . 4k . Blinds 2k/4k . Entries 220. Players Remaining 57.

There’s a pause after 11 levels, let’s catch up on all the chipcounts so far with 57 players remaining, playing all the way down to the last 13 before the Bag-n-Tag tonight.

Phillip Bertram’s 361,000 leads the way. Hot on his tail is Harrison Woodson (332,000), followed by Peter Lockwood (243,000) and Leland Dent (238,000).

Check below or on the Chip Counts tab for chip counts of all players, including all recorded bustouts in Flight H.

Event 1H Break 3 – Chip Counts

Flight H – Reg Closed – 2nd Break Chip Counts

Level 9 . Ante 1,000 . Blinds 1k/1,500 . Entries 220

Registration is closed in Flight H of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the scoreboard shows 220 entries. This moves the field to 1.063 players and brings the total prizepool to $446,460 so far.

Play continues until down to 13 players who will not only make the money, but also bag and  advance to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 14-28th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 14-18th cash for $900
  • 19-23rd cash for $820
  • 24-28th cash for $740

But wait, there’s more, there’s bonuses to talk about and yes, that’s plural.

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.

Event 1H Break 2 – Chip Counts

Thomas Curci Leads Flight I (Turbo) on First Break

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 Entries 75

Players are on their first break in Flight D of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel NLH event.

There’s Thomas Curci leading the way right now with a 98,000 stack, followed by Steven Benavides (94,600) and Rughunath Mudiganti (94,000).

Chip Counts for all players in Flight I – First Break

Flight G – On the Bubble – 4th Break Chip Counts

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k/8k . Entries 153. Players Remaining 21.

There are 21 players remaining in Flight G of the $1 million guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel event, and 20 of those players will make the money.

Players are now heading out on their 4th break of the day. When they return to play in 15 minutes the bubble will burst, and all remaining players are guaranteed at least $740 for a min-cash.

As a reminder, this flight will play down to the final 9 players before bagging up for the night, and those 9 players will return for Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

Event 1G Break 4 – Chip Counts

Flight I (Turbo) Begins

Flight I. Level 1 . Ante 100 . Blinds 100/200 . Entries 30

The ninth flight of 15 total starting flights in the $1 Million Guarantee, $500 buy-in Dallas Duel begins, and the clock is showing 30 players seated so far.

There are now three flights in action, two here at TCH Dallas, and one at TCH Las Colinas.

Across the room in Flight G there are 27 players remaining from the 153-entry starting field. They are currently midway through Level 13.

Down the road, Flight H at Las Colinas is in Level 6 and there are 169 entries so far.

Flight I has registration and the unlimited-entry available until the start of Level 9 (8:10 pm). All levels will be 20-minutes in the turbo flights.

Aden Salazar Leads Flight H on First Break (Las Colinas)

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300-600. Entries 121

First break completes at Texas Card House Las Colinas and we pause to take a look at full-field chipcounts in Flight H of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel NLH.

Aden Salazar leads the pack right now with a stack of 122,200. Following close behind are Donald Sawyer (116,000) and Peter Lockwood (113,900).

For a look at all player’s chip counts on first break of Flight H please click the link below or see the Chip Counts tab.

Flight H – Break 1 Chip Counts

Justin Petri Leads Flight G After 11 Levels

Level 12 . Ante . 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 153. Players Remaining 35

There’s a pause after 11 levels, let’s catch up on all the chipcounts so far with 35 players remaining, playing all the way down to the last 9 before the Bag-n-Tag tonight.

Justin Petri’s 307,000 leads the way. Hot on his tail is Conrad Polkosnik (291,000), Christopher Akin (279,000) and Ali Bahrami (214,000). These four players are the only ones to cross the 200,000 chip mark thus far.

Check below or under the Chip Counts tab for chip counts of all players, including all recorded bustouts in Flight G.

Level 11 Chipcounts

Jessica Richards Leads Flight G at Close of Registration

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 153

With registration now closed for the seventh of 15 starting flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel, here is a look at the top stacks in the field:

Jessica Richards – 222,000
Ali Bahrami – 199,500
Michael Hager – 181,000

Please see the chip counts tab for a full list of all players’ chip counts.

153 Entries for Flight G – Reg Closed

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 153

Registration is closed in the seventh of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this  flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and the scoreboard shows 153 entries, providing an additional $64,260 to the prizepool, and moves the field to a total of 843 players in flights A-G.

A total of 20 players will make the money from this flight, and nine of those 20 players will also bag chips. Those nine players will advance to Day 2 on Sunday at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 10th-20th place earning a tournament cash but not advancing to Day 2 will be paid out as follows:

  • 10th-12th cash for $900
  • 13th-16th cash for $820
  • 17th-20th cash for $740

But wait, there’s more, there’s bonuses to talk about and yes, that’s plural.

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.

Flight H (at Las Colinas) Begins

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the eighth of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel, this flights plays at TCH Social Club Las Colinas.

Players play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 4:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are held at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day2 Bag at BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Flight G – First Break Chip Counts

Level 4. Ante 300. Blinds 300-600. Entries 101.

The PokerAtlas Tour is truly carving a name for itself by being a leader in the industry of player friendly programing, and an innovative touornament system.  With that being said, all chip counts are updated on every break of every event for every single player. This allows people to follow their favorite players more closely in real time.

We are currently on the first break of Event 1, Flight G at TCH Dallas.  Here is a look at the entire field, including all chip counts, bust outs, and re-entries.

Event 1G Break 1 – Chip Counts

Three Flights Today, Flight G Starts Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the seventh of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel.

Players begin competition with and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are in action down the road at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day 2 Bag at BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Molly Mossey, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Comroe Bags Top Flight D Stack

Flight D Final

Mykel Comroe (1,176,000) is the sole individual to top the MillyMark in chips as Flight D comes to a close with eight players advancing – all in the money – to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1pm in the $1 million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel.

Comroe earns a $2,000 bonus for being the BigStack at the Bag-n-Tag portion of the festivities.

Why, you ask?

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.

Check the chip counts tab for final Flight D chipcounts.

73 Players for Turbo Flight F

Flight F Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 73

Registration is closed in the sixth of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this Turbo flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and the scoreboard shows 73 entries. This moves the field to 698 players and a contribution of more than $290,000 so far to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to four players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 5-10th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 5-6th cash for $900
  • 7-8th cash for $820
  • 9-10 cash for $740

170 Entries for Flight E

Flight E Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 170

Registration is closed in the fifth of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the scoreboard shows 170 entries. This moves the field to 625 players and a contribution of more than $250,000 so far to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to 10 players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 11-22nd place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 11-14th cash for $900
  • 15-18th cash for $820
  • 19-22nd cash for $740

3 Flights All in Play Now

Cards are in the air at Texas Card House Dallas for the Flight F Turbo in the $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel, with 22 seated players.

There’s now all three flights in action,  two here at TCH Dallas and one at TCH Las Colinas.

Across the room, there’s Flight D with 22 players remaining from the 131-entry starting field midway through Level 13.

Down the road, Flight E at Las Colinas is in Level 6 and there’s 140 entries so far.

Flight F has registration and the unlimited-entry period available until the start of Level 9, 20-minute levels of competition for Turbos

Michaeli Leads Flight E on First Break at Las Colinas

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 127

Players in Flight E at TCH Las Colinas are back from first break with 127 total entries, and registration is available until Level 9 begins at about 6:30 pm.

Eden Michaeli (137,000) is one of four players who already has a six-figure-stack, he’s followed by Julian Gaines (134,100), Chad Mereline (125,000) and Van Ho (113,300).

We bring you full-field chipcounts on every event, every flight, every break, every tournament, the entire PokerAtlas Dallas series. Take a look above for the 1E counts under the chip count tab.

132 Entries for Flight D

Flight D Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 132

Registration is closed in the fourth of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and the scoreboard shows 132 entries. This moves the field to 455 players and a contribution of more than $190,000 so far to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to eight players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 9-17th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 9-11th cash for $900
  • 12-14th cash for $820
  • 15-17th cash for $740

But wait, there’s more, there’s bonuses to talk about and yes, that’s plural.

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.

Peterson Maintains Lead on Second Break in Dallas

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 132

Players are back from their second break of the day in Flight D of the $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight at TCH Dallas – and Jack Peterson continues to have a huge lead.

Only eight 30-minute levels have played and Peterson has a 277,800 stack, more than 100k clear of his nearest challengers.

Take a look at the Flight D chip counts to see every player’s live stack and the recorded bustouts through eight levels of action.

80 Through 2 in Las Colinas

Level 3 . Ante 400 . Blinds 200.400 . Entries 80

The first two 30-minute levels are complete in Flight E – taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the scoreboard shows 80 entries.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains in effect until the start of Level 9 at 6:30 pm.

Each of the 15 flights play into the money, bagging-up once down to the final 6 percent of each field.

The Day 2 Final is set for Sunday at 1 pm at TCH Dallas

Three Flights Today, Flight D is Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the fourth of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel.

Players begin competition with and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are in action down the road at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day2Bag and BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Dan Ross, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Akin Leads Flight B 5 From Money

Level 15 . Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 12.123

Coming out of what should be the final break of the night for Flight B, Christopher Akin (634,000) is well clear of his 11 competitors.

Playing down tonight until the final seven players Cash-n-Bag, already in the money, the last seven advance to Sunday’s Day 2 final restart at 1pm.

The Chip Counts Tab for Flight B shows you all 12 live stacks and all recorded bustouts.

54 for Turbo Fight C

Registration is closed in the third of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this Turbo flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and the scoreboard shows 54 entries. This moves the field to 323 players and a contribution of $135,660 so far to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to three players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 4-7th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 4th cashes for $900
  • 5th cashes for $820
  • 6-7th cash for $740

Fadakar Leads Flight B After 3rd Break

That’s 11 levels complete today at Texas Card House Las Colinas in Flight B of the $1 Million Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel NLH, and we see – thanks to the innovative PokerAtlas tournament system – that Farshid Fadakar (420,000) has the lead, followed by Christopher Akin (358,000), Bala Yeruva (339,000), Andriy Kovalchuck (335,000) and Abishek Sikri (278,000) making up the top five stacks.

Take a look above at the 1B Chip Counts tab for all counts for all players and the list of all bustouts.

George Wins $2,000 Bonus as Flight A Top Stack

Level 17 16:36 Left . Ante 12k . Blinds 6k.12k . Entries 8.138

Gilbert George (873,000) bags the top stack as seven players advance from Flight 1A today on to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart in our $1 million guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel at Texas Card House Dallas and Las Colinas.

As chipleader from this flight, George earns a $2,000 bonus payout to go along with his final tournament cash. He also becomes the first person eligible to win a $5,000 Double Threat Bonus if he can also bag-a-stack in one of the four remaining 2 pm Dallas Duel flights at TCH Las Colinas.

Here’s a look at everyone moving on from Flight A on to Dy 2.

Flight A Final Chipcounts.

Bubble and Win a Title Event Entry

Everyone who goes out on the stone cold bubble in Events 1-18 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas series is entered into a drawing where TWO of the players earn an entry in the Labor Day Weekend $1.5 Million Guaranteed $1k Title Event.

That’s just 43 total entries, from each of the 15 Dallas Duel flights, the seven Mystery Payout flights, the six PLO Payday flights and individual bubbles in the other 15 preliminary events.

Being the bubble can sting, we’re here to ease the pain a bit.

123 Entries for Flight B

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 123

Registration is closed in the second of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight taking place at Texas Card House Las Colinas – and the scoreboard shows 123 entries. This moves the field to 269 players and a contribution of $110,040 so far to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to seven players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 8-16th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 8-10th cash for $900
  • 11-13th cash for $820
  • 14-16th cash for $740

But wait, there’s more, there’s bonuses to talk about and yes, that’s plural.

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.

112 Entries Through 6 Levels

Level 7 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 113

The first six 30-minute registration-era levels are in the books and the scoreboard shows 113 entries at TCH Social Club – Las Colinas in Flight B of our $1 Million Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel NLH.

Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 6:30 pm.

Saranec Leads After 11 Levels

Level 12 . Ante . 4k . Blinds 2k.4k . Entries 31.139

There’s a pause after 11 levels, let’s catch up on all the chipcounts so far with 31 players remaining, playing all the way down to the last 8 before the Bag-n-Tag tonight.

Paul Saranec’s 277,000 leads the way, he’s being chased up Chipcount Mountain by Jonathan Steitz (263,000), Chris Laieta (243,000) and Christopher Allec (213,000) as the only players so far to bust through the 200k chip-ceiling.

Check below or under the Chip Counts tab for all counts of all players and all recorded bustouts in Flight A

Level 11 Chipcounts

Pearson Leads Flight B on First Break

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 Entries 86

First break completes at Texas Card House Las Colinas and we pause to take a look at full-field chipcounts in Flight B of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel NLH.

There’s Christopher Pearson leading the way right now with a 125,500 stack, followed by Christopher Akin (123,300) and Chikong Ung (112,400) as all the triple-digit stacks.

Check the Chip Counts tab for all Flight B counts.

139 Entries for Flight 1

Level 9 . Ante 1500 . Blinds 1k.1500 . Entries 139

Registration is closed in the first of 15 flights of our $1 Million Guaranteed $500 Dallas Duel – this flight taking place at Texas Card House Dallas – and the scoreboard shows 139 entries. The players contribute $58,380 to the prize pool.

Play continues today until down to eight players who Cash-n-Bag, both making the money and also advancing to Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm.

The players finishing in 9-18th place all earn a Flight 1 tournament cash but do not advance to Sunday.

  • 9-11th cash for $900
  • 12-14th cash for $820
  • 15-18th cash for $740

But wait, there’s more, there’s bonuses to talk about and yes, that’s plural.

  • The chipleader at the end of this and all 10 am flights at TCH Dallas earns a $2,000 bonus atop the final tournament payout they receive. Same goes for chipleader at the end of every 2 pm Dallas Duel flight at TCH Las Colinas.
  • Bag-a-Stack at BOTH tournament locations – TCH Dallas and TCH Las Colinas – and you get a $5,000 Double Threat bonus.

But wait, there’s STILL more.

  • Bubble any flight and you go into a drawing where TWO people get a seat in the $1.5 Million Guaranteed Title Event on Labor Day Weekend. Ask tournament staff for more details on this really cool bubble-play offer.


Playing at TCH Social Club Now

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200

Cards are in the air for the second of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel, this flights plays at TCH Social Club Las Colinas.

Players begin competition with and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day2Bag and BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Dan Ross, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

All Chipcounts After First Break

Level 5 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 96

The PokerAtlas Tour provides you with every chipcount for every player on every break in every event, thanks to our innovative, industry-leading tournament system.

We’re at first break in Event 1A at TCH Dallas, let’s take a look at the entire field, all chipcounts, and everyonew who haas already busted this flight.

Level 4 Chipcounts

Welcome to the Dallas Duel

Level 1 . Ante 200 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 42

Cards are in the air for the first of 15 flights in Event 1 of the PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series – $1,000,000 Guarantee $500 Dallas Duel.

Players begin competition with and play 30-minute levels throughout the entire tournament. Registration and the unlimited-entry period remains available until the start of level 9 at 2:30 pm.

1-in-8 entries earns a tournament cash, the final 6 percent of the field Bag-a-Stack, advancing to this Sunday’s Day 2 Final restart at 1 pm, playing down to a winner. Event 1’s final table is planned for a livestream on Sunday.

There’s three flights per day from now through Saturday in the Dallas Duel, with 10 am flights and 5 pm Turbo flights at Texas Card House Dallas, while the daily 2 pm afternoon flights all week are in action down the road at TCH Las Colinas.

Players can earn a tournament cash and a Day 2 Bag is as many flights as you choose, for TCH Dallas, TCH Las Colinas and the PokerAtlas Tour are Best Stack Forward entities.

There’s a special Bag Bonus of $2,000 for the final chipleader in each 10 am flight from TCH Dallas and 2 pm flight from TCH Las Colinas.

But wait, there’s more. Earn a $5,000 Double Threat bonus by earning a coveted Day2Bag and BOTH locations.

Follow along here for all the action throughout all 15 flights in this event, and for the entire PokerAtlas Tour Dallas Series through September 5.

— Dan Ross, PokerLiveUpdates for the PokerAtlas Tour

Event 5 Flight B – END OF DAY Chip Counts

Event 1 – Day 2 – 4th Break Chip Counts

Final Flight O Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Event 1N Break 4 – Chip Counts

Final Flight M Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight L Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Event 1K Break 5 – Chip Counts

Final Flight J Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight I Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight H Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight G Dallas Duel Chipcounts


Final Flight F Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Flight E Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight D Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Final Flight C Dallas Duel Chipcounts

Flight B Dallas Duel Final Chipcounts



Event 1A _Chipcounts_Dallas_Duel

Winner – Jhonny Donnelly

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