Bless Your Heart, Ray Henson

Level 15 . Ante 5,000 . Blinds 2,500-5,000 . Entries 15/105

Ray Henson stands up to engage with a few players at the other table and give his ears a break from the constant table talk of Eden Michaeli on his direct right. Moments later, Michaeli is all in and all out, his Ace of hearts6 of hearts no good on the 6 of spades5 of clubs3 of spades2 of hearts8 of clubs board against Kamoru Yusuf’s Jack of spadesJack of hearts.

Yusuf fills in the details, saying he raised to 15,000 under the gun and got three calls, one from Ross Fernandez in the big blind and another from Michaeli UTG+1.

Once Fernandez checked, Yusuf checked as well. Michaeli bet 18,000, Fernandez called, and Yusuf check-raised to 60,000. Michaeli came over the top for around 200k and Yusuf happily called with the best hand, which held to take Michaeli’s remaining stack..

Another elimination ensues moments later, and we’re down to 15 with hand-for-hand play now in effect on the direct bubble. Bless your heart, Ray Henson. And your ears.

Kamoru Yusuf – 860,000
Ross Fernandez – 222,000
Ray Henson – 215,000
Eden Michaeli – Eliminated