Arun Balasubramanian Knocks Out Austin Holland

Level 17. Ante 8k . Blinds 4k.8k . Entries 10/103

Three players go to a flop of Ace of diamondsJack of clubs8 of diamonds and action checks to Arun Balasubramanian, who bets 25,000 on the button. Austin Holland check-shoves for 103,000 in the big blind. Balasubramanian thinks for a bit once action is back on him, and he makes the call.

Holland: Queen of diamonds9 of diamonds
Balasubramanian: Ace of hearts6 of spades

Holland has all the outs in the world with flush and gutshot straight draws against Balasubramanian’s top pair. Unfortunately for him, the runout completes 6 of clubs7 of clubs and his draws are left dry. He’s eliminated in 11th place, good for $1,400. Carl Lee and Dean Baranowski also were eliminated since the bubble burst, and we’re two bust outs away from the celebratory bag-n-tag.

Arun Balasubramanian – 813,000