Al Wilson Delivers a Double Dusting

Level 6 . Ante 600 . Blinds 300.600 . Entries 332

There’s a bit over 9,000 in the center on a flop of Jack of hearts7 of diamonds4 of diamonds, and four players are in action. Leonard August checks in the lojack and Al Wilson bets 5,000 in the lojack. Daniel Baik jams for 16,100, the player on the button folds, and August re-jams for around 33,000. Wilson calls both jams.

Baik: Queen of heartsJack of diamonds (top pair, jacks)
August: 6 of hearts5 of hearts (open-ended straight draw)
Wilson: Ace of heartsAce of spades (pair of aces)

The 9 of hearts turn adds a flush draw to August’s outs, but it all bricks on the 6 of diamonds river and Wilson’s aces hold for the double knockout.

Wilson is looking to continue a heater from the summer, having taken down the WSOP Circuit Seniors event in Cherokee last month for $50k.

“I’m hoping to win two tournaments this summer!” adds Wilson as he stacks his chips. He’s up to 166k, while Baik and August will have to re-enter if they want to have another shot at this event.