Cruz Flops Trips, Eliminates One

Level 8 . Ante 1k . Blinds 500.1k . Entries 369

We were actually just standing at the bar to grab two waters to go along with the Lyari Cafe samosas we picked up on break, when we hear “one player all in, two players on the side.”

Hey, y’all gonna lay a hand in front of us, we’ll give details.

Shawaiz Chowhan and Alexis Cruz build a 32,600 sidepot preflop to go along with both involved in the 24,000 main pot.

The dealer fans 10 of hearts 5 of diamonds 5 of hearts , 6,000 from Cruz, a call from Chowhan.

Turn is Qc and Cruz moves in for 27,900, a snap-call from Chowhan .. and an immediate gasp as well.

  • Chowhan shows Ace of spades Queen of spades for two pair, top kicker
  • Cruz shows 5 of spades 4 of spades for trips, causing said gasp from Chowhan.
  • River 10 of hearts is an improved two pair for Chowhan, a boat for Cruz, the short-stack shows King of spades Queen of hearts for a lesser kicker and Cruz rakes while scoring the knockout

Alexis Cruz – 112,500