Flight I – Gets Some Back from Abdallah

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 140.410

Mazen Abdallah has his way with Table 25 lately, raking three consecutive pots, including the last one against Nick Pupillo.

Abdallah opens is fourth consecutive pot, this one for 4,500, and Pupillo – from the bb – the the only participant to join in.

The dealer fans the All-Clubs Ace of clubs 10 of clubs 9 of clubs and neither challenger offers a betting unit. Same action for the 4 of hearts turn, Pupillo leading on the 5 of spades river. Abdallah cuts out calling chips, put cannot find a way to release them from his hand and Pupillo rakes.

Both players are at 63,000

Hey Nick, happy first birthday to the wee one, say hi to mom from all of us.