Zachary Wolf Doubles and a Bit More

Level 22 . Ante 25k . Blinds 15k.25k . Entries 63.1879

Joe Jaurigui opens to 35,000 in the hijack and Zachary Wolf three-bet jams for 320,000 in the cutoff. Robert Deupree four-bet shoves for 415,000, and Jaurigui goes into the tank for a minute before folding and saying he had ace-queen.

Wolf: King of clubsKing of hearts
Deupree: Jack of spadesJack of hearts

The board runs out 10 of spades6 of spades4 of spades9 of clubs2 of diamonds — Deupree picks up outs to a flush on the flop, but it bricks out and Wolf earns the double.

Joe Jaurigui – 1,775,000
Zachary Wolf – 715,000
Robert Deupree – 105,000