You Killed Caitlin, You Acehole

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 81.1879

All-in preflop for 25 bb, Caitlin Comeskey – from the wildly-popular Aceholes poker podcast – is called by PokerAtlas Tour Houston Title Event runner-up Kamoru Yusuf.

  • Ace of hearts King of hearts for Comeskey
  • Ace of clubs Ace of spades for Yusuf, who slowrolls Comeskey by waiting until he can find his phone to record the action before tabling his hand.

The dealer runs out a 9 of clubs 2 of spades 4 of clubs 10 of spades 10 of diamonds board and Comeskey is eliminated in 82nd place, cashing for $3,480.

Kamoru Yusuf – 1,800,000 (90 bb)