Flight G – Yerva Eliminates Nguyen

Level 11 . Ante 2k . Blinds 1k.2k . Entries 110.290

We pick up action on the turn, with Kenni Nguyen betting 5,000 on the 3 of hearts King of hearts 5 of diamonds flop and Venkata Yerva raising to put Nguyen all-in.

“You have Kings again?” asks Nguyen, and Yerva just kind’a grins-n-shrugs.

Nguyen obliges, calls off his remaining betting units, and laughs when he sees he’s behind.

  • Jack of hearts Jack of clubs for Nguyen for second pair
  • 5 of clubs3 of diamonds for Yerva for Bottom Two

“Wow, you have three-five there,” exclaims Nguyen with an additional laugh tossed in. “I guess I’ll be back tomorrow.”

The runout 7 of diamonds 4 of spades commits Nguyen to a Sunday Flight I purchase and pushes Yerva to a 270,000 stack.