Two All Ins, One Double

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 14.1879

Eduardo Cuaderes opens to 300k under the gun and Cord Garcia calls in the lojack. Eric Chang three-bets to 1 million in the hijack and only Cuaderes calls.

The flop comes 10 of clubs4 of clubs2 of diamonds and Cuaderes slides out 2 million. Chang thinks for a bit and jams around 2.7 million, causing Cuaderes to audibly sigh and announce a fold some 15 seconds later.

As this takes place, Jeffrey Frye gets all in for 1.115 million in the small blind against Jael Lewis, who’s on the button.

Frye: Ace of diamondsJack of clubs
Lewis: 3 of clubs3 of spades

The board runs out Ace of clubsQueen of diamonds4 of hearts4 of diamondsKing of clubs and Frye earns the double with two pair, aces and fours.

Eric Chang – 7,700,000
Eduardo Cuaderes – 7,150,000
Jeffrey Frye – 2,430,000
Jael Lewis – 1,700,000