Tiep Bui Doubles Thru Ryan Page

Level 19 . Ante 12k . Blinds 5k.12k . Entries 123.1879

Ryan Page opens to 24,000 under the gun and Tiep Bui three-bet jams for 181,000 UTG+2. Action folds back to Page and he calls for two-thirds of his stack.

Bui: 5 of hearts5 of clubs
Page: Ace of spades10 of spades

Bui calls for a five before the flop Jack of hearts7 of spades3 of diamonds hits the felt. The King of clubs adds four Broadway outs for Page, but the dealer grants Bui’s request with a 5 of spades river to make his double official.

Bui is the all-time cash leader at TCH Dallas with 12 scores at the venue. Will this be lucky number 13?

Tiep Bui – 392,000
Ryan Page – 90,000