“Ten of Diamonds, Baby!”

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 26.1879

Jael Lewis opens to 140,000 in the hijack and Mitchell Anderson calls on the button. Dustin Schoonover three-bet jams for 520,000 in the small blind and Lewis calls, with Anderson folding behind.

Schoonover:Ace of diamondsKing of diamonds
Lewis: King of spades10 of spades

The board runs out 8 of clubs4 of diamonds3 of spades2 of diamonds10 of diamonds, improving both players on the river. Lewis hits her pair of tens, but it gives Schoonover the nuts.

“Ten of diamonds, baby!” exclaims Schoonover. “I knew it was coming!”

Jael Lewis – 6,350,000
Mitchell Anderson – 2,700,000
Dustin Schoonover – 1,280,000