Spencer Cheng Out in 83rd

Level 21 . Ante 20k . Blinds 10k.20k . Entries 82.1879

Por Seak opens to 40,000 in the cutoff and Spencer Cheng three-bets to 140,000 in the small blind. Seak announces he’s all in and Cheng thinks for a bit after seeing his 450k stack is the one potentially at risk.

“I call,” announces Cheng after some thought. He tables King of diamondsJack of diamonds and sees Seak turn over Jack of heartsJack of clubs.

Cheng needs to hit a king to stay alive, and he fails to do so as the board runs out Queen of spades7 of hearts3 of clubs7 of clubs2 of diamonds resulting in his elimination from the tournament in 83rd place.

After taking down the pot, Seak finds himself with 1.46 milliion.