Sherri Won’t Win the Title

Level 20 . Ante 15k . Blinds 10k.15k . Entries 101.1879

Zachary Baron raises to 30,000 in the hijack and Sherri Title three-bets all in for her last 65,000. Christian Ramirez cold-calls in the big blind and Baron calls, giving Title a shot at tripling her stack.

Ramirez bets all three streets for 35k, 95k and 125k on a runout of 7 of diamonds6 of hearts2 of spadesJack of clubs8 of clubs and Baron calls all the way to showdown.

Ramirez tables King of diamondsKing of spades and Baron sends his cards to the muck without showing. His pair of kings beats Title’s Ace of clubsQueen of spades and she is eliminated in 102nd place, good for a $3,050 cash.

Meanwhile, Ramirez is up to 970k after the scooped pot and Baron is down to 570k.