Seak Doubles, Leaves Jaurigui Short

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 18.1879

Action folds around to Joe Jaurigui in the cutoff and he opens to 200k. Por Seak three-bets all in for 685,000 on the button and Jaurigui calls when it’s his turn to do so.

Seak: 4 of spades4 of hearts
Jaurigui: Jack of clubsJack of spades

Seak calls for a four and immediately finds one in the window of a 4 of clubs3 of clubs3 of diamonds flop. He fades a jack on the 6 of hearts turn and 9 of spades river and locks up the double.

Por Seak – 1,570,000
Joe Jaurigui – 810,000