Sanchez Eliminates in 21st by Huynh

Felix Sanchez

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 20.1879

Felix Sanchez moves in for his last 4 bb and draws Truong Huynh and Julian Gaines as callers.

Both players check the 9 of clubs Jack of clubs 9 of spades flop, Huynh moves in for 8 million plus on the 10 of diamonds turn and Gaines is flummoxed. He stares at the board and his cards for a few moments, then mucks, and likely is glad he did.

Huynh shows King of clubs Queen of spades for a King-high straight, the river Queen of diamonds completes the elimination

Sanchez finishes in 21st place, cashing for $10,210.

Truong Huynh – 9,100,000