Flight I – Rice Boils Anderson

Level 13 . Ante 3k . Blinds 1500.3k . Entries 93,410

Mitchell Anderson opens for 6,500, Shawn Rice moves in for 55,000 and Anderson takes a considerable amount of time debating – as the dealer counts down Rice’s hand – before committing one-seventh of his stack.

  • Rice shows 8 of clubs 8 of spades
  • Anderson quietly turns over Queen of clubs Queen of hearts

The Ace of clubs King of diamonds 6 of hearts flop is uneventful, but Rice scores the turn when the dealer peels 8 of hearts. The river is 5 of hearts and Anderson’s temper boils over. He slams his fist down onto the felt, the chips he was holding in his hand fly out and onto the floor.

  • Shawn Rice – 117,500
  • Mitchell Anderson – 305,000