Por Seak – 9th Place – $25,870

Por Seak

Level 30 Ante 150k . Blinds 75k.150k . Entries 9.1879

After starting the day as the shortest stack with 1.35 million, Por Seak finds himself down to 650k in the small blind and three-bet shoves over an open to 300k from Eric Chang. Chang calls.

Seak: King of diamondsQueen of diamonds
Chang: King of spadesQueen of clubs

The flop comes King of clubs10 of clubs3 of clubs, giving Chang a flush draw that could spoil Seak’s opportunity at a chopped pot. The turn is a safe 9 of diamonds, but the 6 of clubs lands on the river to spell doom for Seak. The table wishes him condolences for how the runout finished, and he makes his way from the table.

Eric Chang – 7,750,000
Por Seak – 9th Place – $25,870