Nguyen Bluffs Off a Boatload

Level 18 . Ante 10k . Blinds 5k.10k . Entries 147.1879

We pick up action over at Table 27 with the board complete, a big ole’ pile of betting units in the middle, and the uber-aggressive Truong Nguyen has a stack-covering river bet in front of him, putting Michael Jagroo to the test for Jagroo’s final 424,000.

The board reads 7 of diamonds 4 of clubs 2 of spades Jack of spades 7 of spades and Jagroo eventually has the clock called on him by Nguyen.

Jagroo finds a way to call off his stack and Nguyen immediately lets him know the call was a good one.

  • Jagroo shows 10 of spades 10 of diamonds for two pair, Tens and Sevens
  • Nguyen shows 8 of hearts2 of hearts for a lesser two pair, Sevens and Deuces

Truong Nguyen – 375,000

Michael Jagroo – 1,350,000