Mo Arani Doubles Thru Jael Lewis

Level 25 . Ante 50k . Blinds 25k.50k . Entries 30.1879

Jael Lewis takes a few more pots from her tablemates and chips up to 7.6 million in the first half of the level. She then opens to 110k in the lojack and sees Mo Arani three-bet jam for 925k in the hijack. She confirms the amount and calls.

Arani: Ace of spadesQueen of clubs
Lewis: 8 of clubs8 of diamonds

After winning round one with pocket eights, Lewis loses round two after the board runs out Ace of heartsKing of clubs6 of spadesAce of clubs5 of spades, giving Arani trips and earning him the double.

Jael Lewis – 6,700,000
Mo Arani – 1,975,000