Mazen Abdallah Eliminated in 14th Place by Truong Huynh

Mazen Abdallah

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 13.1879

Mazen Abdallah open-jams for 1.1 million in the lojack and action folds to Truong Huynh in the big blind, who looks down at his cards and announces a call.

Abdallah: Ace of diamonds6 of diamonds
Huynh: Ace of spadesQueen of spades

The board runs out Queen of hearts8 of diamonds3 of clubs2 of diamonds5 of spades — Huynh flops top pair, top kicker, but Abdallah picks up a backdoor draw to the nut flush on the turn. He’s eliminated when it misses on the river, bringing the field down to 13.

As it happens, Cord Garcia flops a flush against Chris Akin’s two pair and doubles. He then makes a straight and takes another chunk off of him.

Truong Huynh – 14,825,000
Chris Akin – 9,100,000
Cord Garcia – 6,600,000
Mazen Abdallah – Eliminated in 14th Place ($15,430)