Flight G – Madvarapu Triples

Level 15 . Ante 5k . Blinds 2500.5k . Entries 53.290

We pick up action with all the preflop betting concluded, Cory Smith all-in for 41,500, Shanmukh Madavarapu all-in for an additional 10,500, and Craig Varnell with the call to both at risk, holding an additional 75,000 behind.

  • 8 of clubs 5 of clubs for Smith
  • Ace of spades 10 of diamonds for Madavarapu
  • King of diamonds Queen of diamonds aka Mom and Dad, for Varnell

The dealer fans 6 of hearts Jack of spades 2 of spades 6 of clubs Barry Greenstein (Ace of hearts), Smith is eliminated, and Madavarapu scoops, moving to 145,500.