Kris Burchfield Eliminates Matt Newcombe

Kris Burchfield

Level 24 . Ante 40k . Blinds 20k.40k . Entries 48.1879

Kris Burchfield opens to 80k under the gun and Matt Newcombe three-bet jams on his direct left. Action folds back to Burchfield, who asks how much Newcombe is playing.

Newcombe tells Burchfield it’s about 15 big blinds as the dealer counts out 570,000, and Burchfield thinks for a bit before dropping in calling chips.

Newcombe: Ace of heartsQueen of spades
Burchfield: Ace of spades10 of spades

Newcombe has Burchfield dominated going to the 9 of spades5 of hearts3 of spades flop, where Burchfield picks up the nut flush draw and adds eight extra outs. The 9 of diamonds turn is a safe one for Newcombe, but he can’t fade the Jack of spades river and is eliminated in 49th as a result.

Kris Burchfield – 2,650,000