Kings Fall to Aces in Level 1

Level 1 . Ante 0 . Blinds 100.200 . Entries 111

Fireworks over at Table 14, where Carlos Hurtado and Nicholas Gwynn are building a massive pot. The flop isn’t even out and Hurtado’s 39,300 stack is in the middle, and it appears Gwynn has a few more betting units in his stack

  • King of hearts King of clubs for Hurtado
  • Ace of spades Ace of diamonds for Gwynn, so Hurtado has slim flush hopes to both his Kings

The dealer fans 6 of diamonds 4 of clubs 10 of hearts and Hurtado is down to two outs.

Turn 10 of spades river 8 of diamonds and there’s a Level 1 elimination and a double-stacked chipleader in Nicholas Gwynn.