Kamoru Yusuf Eliminated in 16th Place by Jason Bullock

Kamoru Yusuf

Level 28 . Ante 100k . Blinds 50k.100k . Entries 16.1879

Kamoru Yusuf opens to 300,000 in the lojack and Jason Bullock calls in the hijack, as does Jael Lewis in the small blind.

The flop falls Jack of diamonds10 of diamonds5 of spades and Lewis checks. Yusuf announces he’s all in and Bullock does the same, causing Lewis to quickly get rid of her hand.

Yusuf: Ace of diamondsKing of diamonds (Royal Flush draw)
Bullock: Jack of spadesJack of clubs (set of jacks)

Reactions ensue as the hands are shown and the tournament staff comes to sweat the runout. Yusuf pulls out his phone to sweat as well, turning it around to show his face on the screen and narrate his fate.

The turn is the 9 of diamonds. “Bam!” he says as he makes the nut flush. But the river comes 10 of clubs behind to give Bullock a full house.

“Oh my God!” says Yusuf.

“Sorry man,” says Bullock, extending a fist for Yusuf to bump. Yusuf completes it and makes his way to the payouts, while Bullock takes down the pot.

Jason Bullock – 6,450,000
Kamoru Yusuf – Eliminated in 16th Place ($12,520)