Julian Gaines Ascending

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 51.1879

Julian Gaines catches heat coming out of the break, having boosted his 2.185 million by at least 50%.

In a recent flurry of hands, Gaines has a bet of 300k in front of him in the lojack on a completed board of King of diamondsQueen of hearts9 of diamonds4 of clubs7 of clubs. There’s already roughly 1 million in the pot, and action is on Sean Lee in the big blind.

Lee goes into the tank for a while before calling and Gaines shows King of spades3 of spades for top pair. Lee mucks.

On the next hand, Kim Stone open-jams UTG+1 for 180,000 and Gaines calls one seat over, the lone taker.

Stone’s Queen of spades8 of spades improves to two pair on a 7 of hearts3 of diamonds2 of heartsQueen of hearts8 of clubs runout to double through Gaines’s unimproved Ace of hearts9 of clubs.

However, Gaines gets a bit back and more on the very next hand. He raises to 100k UTG+1 and Angel Castro Pinto defends his big blind.

Castro Pinto check-calls 200k on Jack of clubs5 of spades2 of hearts, and action checks through to showdown after running King of diamondsKing of hearts complete the board.

Castro Pinto flashes a Jack of diamonds and Gaines beats it with Queen of heartsQueen of diamonds.

Gaines has a bit of a jumbled stack, but it looks to be around 3.35 million. Castro Pinto has 2.2 million, Lee 730k, and Stone 435k.