Joe Jaurigui Eliminated in 18th Place by Jason Bullock

Joe Jauregui

Level 27 . Ante 80k . Blinds 40k.80k . Entries 17.1879

Jason Bullock opens to 210,000 UTG+1 and is called by Jeffrey Frye in the lojack. Joe Jaurigui three-bet jams for 935,000 on the button and Bullock re-jams, forcing Frye out of the pot.

Jaurigui: 7 of spades7 of clubs
Bullock: 8 of diamonds8 of clubs

An eight appears immediately on a 9 of diamonds8 of hearts2 of clubs4 of clubs7 of diamonds runout, giving Bullock a set and leaving Jaurigui drawing dead before finds a meaningless set of his own on the river.

Jason Bullock – 4,100,000
Joe Jaurigui – Eliminated in 18th Place ($12,520)