Joe Jaurigui Coolers John Brown

Level 23 . Ante 30k . Blinds 15k.30k . Entries 54.1879

Joe Jaurigui limps from the hijack and John Brown raises to 80,000 in the cutoff. Action folds back to Jaurigui and he calls.

The flop comes 7 of hearts7 of diamonds2 of diamonds and Jaurigui checks. Brown continuation-bets 105,000 and Jaurigui calls.

The turn is the 9 of diamonds and Jaurigui checks again. Brown fires a second barrel for 250,000 and Jaurigui slides forward his stack of red 100k chips. Brown calls off the rest.

Brown: Jack of diamonds10 of diamonds
Jaurigui: 2 of clubs2 of spades

After turning a flush, Brown sees he has just one out to a straight flush to stay alive against Jaurigui’s flopped full house, deuces full of sevens. The one outer doesn’t come as the 10 of spades lands, and Brown is eliminated in 56th place as a result.

Jaurigui, the start-of-day chip leader, now looks to be back at the top of the counts or very close to it. He has 2.925 million after taking down the pot.