Meuangkhot Falls to Akin

Level 26 . Ante 60k . Blinds 30k.60k . Entries 22.1879

Jeffrey Meuangkhot (pictured) shoves all in for 650,000 UTG+1 and action folds around to Chris Akin in the small blind, who re-jams and sees a fold behind.

Meuangkhot: Ace of diamondsQueen of diamonds
Akin: 6 of spades6 of diamonds

The board runs out 7 of hearts5 of diamonds4 of clubs3 of diamondsAce of hearts — Akin makes a straight on the turn but Meaungkhot makes a backdoor flush draw. It fails to hit, and he’s eliminated in 25th.

Moments later, Jalal Shamroukh and Mitchell Anderson also are eliminated from the tournament to bring the field down to 22. Their bust outs happen after a pay jump, earning them an additional $1,050 than Meuangkhot.

Chris Akin – 7,600,000
Jeffrey Meuangkhot – Eliminated in 25th Place ($7,360)
Jalal Shamroukh – Eliminated in 24th Place ($8,410)
Mitchell Anderson – Eliminated in 23rd Place ($8,410)